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- Labbix
- Member Since: 05 Mar 2018
- Location: Tanzania
- Posts: 955
Sharing data and getting paid by JLR
- DieselRanger
- Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
- Location: God's Country, Colorado
- Posts: 769
Yeah, they've been doing a survey on their focus group about this. My responses so far were that I will set the bid price for my data, category by category (i.e., songs I listen to: cheap. How fast I drive where: You can't afford it...etc).
And I stated that we should be given the option to refuse any/all government agency collection of data without a proper warrant or court order.
- Labbix
- Member Since: 05 Mar 2018
- Location: Tanzania
- Posts: 955
The Belgian government uses already an astonishing number of NPR cameras (number plate recognition), partly due to the terrorist attacks in Brussels of course. So they already know where the car drives at which hours and what speed. No worries about that anymore
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