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- Darras
- Member Since: 16 May 2020
- Location: Newcastle
- Posts: 786
Oh, I’ve been tempted, but then common sense prevails. I’d rather stick the money in land or property plus I’ve got two at Uni for which we pay for everything, SWMBOs insistence I’d add, so that’s £40k a year down the swanny before you start. Still it’s worth it for the peace and tranquility.
- Member Since: 23 Jun 2016
- Location: Derbyshire
- Posts: 204
I'm in a similar boat plus i'm supposed to be buying my son his fist car in February (apparently!) what with second hand prices I am have to seriously set expectations!
MY06 S - Gone but not forgotten, MY12 HSE - Gone, MY16 HSE Luxury - Gone, D5 MY20 D5 HSE - Gone
MY23 Range Rover PHEV
- Darras
- Member Since: 16 May 2020
- Location: Newcastle
- Posts: 786
Yep, case of deja vu. Also got stung for the parking fees at Uni, another £600. I did tell him in his final year, he could fork out for that himself next year, but the sting in the tail, he wants to go on to do a medical degree.

- FastLaneJB
- Member Since: 29 May 2021
- Location: Bedfordshire
- Posts: 189
You've got this is parenting lark all wrong. Get them to work on their CV at 14 and start applying for jobs with a 2 year notice period. Then kick them out when GCSE’s are over as your work is done

... Of course just kidding sadly.
My eldest is at Uni but he's paying for it himself (With student loan) and getting a part time job to help. Me and misses feel he should be taking this on so he takes it all that bit more seriously. If he gets a good job at the end it's not a big deal and if he doesn't they don't have to pay it back anyway.
Got £500 less by the way for my M760Li than I’d have got 3 odd months ago but had to do push hard for it. Also in terms of discounts on new cars I was getting nothing much offered to me from dealers directly. Stick it in Carwow though and those same dealers that had no discount all of a sudden had nice discounts... Of course this was summer time so might have changed.
- Darras
- Member Since: 16 May 2020
- Location: Newcastle
- Posts: 786
My eldest volunteers at hospitals, the local hospice et al. He does paid work in the holidays at a college for teaching young people with learning disabilities. He doesn’t do work when he’s actually at Uni. He does acknowledge he’s lucky as many of his mates have to work.
I tried Carwow, but no dealer offered to supply!
- FastLaneJB
- Member Since: 29 May 2021
- Location: Bedfordshire
- Posts: 189
Hey, that's good on your eldest then, impressive.
I guess something has changed then as I got quite a few offers on Carwow. Guessing dealers have decided if you cannot get one delivered for a year+ almost what's the point in discounting. Still, all of them decided the same thing or its been pushed from LR themselves?
Maybe just a simple good ole price-fixing cartel between the dealerships?

- Whippetman
- Member Since: 16 Feb 2019
- Location: North Somerset
- Posts: 390
Without any doubt there!
HSE LUX, Aintree Green GONE
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