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- Member Since: 14 Aug 2022
- Location: Highlands, Scotland
- Posts: 11
Model year 23.5 Orders
What is going on?
Ordered an R-Dynamic SE with a few extras last October.
Told a month ago it was going into build on the 19th August with an expected delivery to dealer in the first two weeks of October. So far so good I thought.
Contacted dealer at beginning of this week and they now say all the dates have disappeared from their order for mine and 37 others! Can't say if it was actually built -- or not!
No explanation given.
- Soler
- Member Since: 07 Sep 2021
- Location: Cheater
- Posts: 82

I've been tracking mine every two weeks with the dealer and its slowly moved back. The plant in Nitra is shut at the moment with no discovery's been built at the moment. I believe it's due to the meridian sound system.
It never disappeared from the system though.
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Ordered same as above in September last year was given build date in October. Contacted dealer beginning of this week said still showing same. But now take it all with a pinch of salt.
- Darras
- Member Since: 16 May 2020
- Location: Newcastle
- Posts: 787
The one thing putting me off ordering a vehicle of any make just now is the uncertainty of the manufacturer actually delivering what you ordered and when it was promised. This, “we will deliver something, probably of a different spec in 12/18/24 months” is unbelievable and we as consumers are condoning it by ordering.
You’re also putting yourself at a disadvantage in ordering at RRP and in all probability trading in at a price to be decided. They can and do make the prices up as they go along. One things for sure, it won’t work in your favour.
Each to their own, but imho it’s sheer lunacy akin to poking money down a bottomless drain.
- Wolfpack
- Member Since: 25 May 2019
- Location: Norfolk, UK
- Posts: 378

Exactly my view.
I would love to shift on my problem child, but the uncertainty of delivery and the certainty of price disadvantage have caused me to swallow deep and accept the next repair bill or two or three, hoping for a clearer picture in 2023. Who knows, by then it may be a better car with all the replacements?

- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Most of your comments are valid however you are missing the fact that they are honouring the 2021 price plus the very nearly 10% off list. I might be getting only half a car but at least its 10% off 2021 prices. I can also back out at any time if it should be one change too far. I think

- Member Since: 14 Aug 2022
- Location: Highlands, Scotland
- Posts: 11
I agree. Orders placed last year are price protected, however, I was told today that any new orders placed are not protected. If prices rise, and no doubt they will, then the customer will need to find the difference.
- conts355
- Member Since: 01 Nov 2021
- Location: UK
- Posts: 86
Craigp wrote:
Most of your comments are valid however you are missing the fact that they are honouring the 2021 price plus the very nearly 10% off list. I might be getting only half a car but at least its 10% off 2021 prices. I can also back out at any time if it should be one change too far. I think 
I also placed order in 2021 which i was told would be covered in price promise, However i just asked them to confirm this.
Reply given -
“When the vehicle arrives with us we will validate the applicable price at that time, and check to see what (if any) price protection may be available from Land Rover. We will then of course revert back to you and advise the current position. ”
How do you respond to that?? 🙈
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Not good is it. Obviously you also have the right to walk away from it I assume and any money laid out returned. Massively disappointing after this long wait. But what else is out there that takes your fancy and any order you place will also have a mark up on it. Dreading getting that kind of response but getting conditioned to accept it to a certain extent. Don't know what I will do if presented with that. Cross that bridge and all that. Wish I'd ordered it in shocking pink with lime green sides now. Sell that on you b@$tards would be my response

- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
No, not good at all.
Lack of clarity surrounding the cost of the new car
Uncertainty of the sale/trade-in value of the current car, due to forever extending build dates
Widening funding gap
- conts355
- Member Since: 01 Nov 2021
- Location: UK
- Posts: 86
What annoys me more a different representative from the branch verbally told me at the start of the year the vehicle would is price protected, Hindsight should had asked for it in writing! But never expected still to be waiting…
They have you buy the bo…cks and it’s a said case of take it at what ever cost they decide or cancel!
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
I got the dreaded phone call today. Build date now gone. Could be December or January or February basically he hadn't a clue. Asked about honouring the original price. "Oh you have a price? We will have to see what Land Rover invoice us at the time of delivery"
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Posted above too early
He didn't think it would be a problem unless they did a big model change. So the wait goes on nearly at 13 months now.

- Soler
- Member Since: 07 Sep 2021
- Location: Cheater
- Posts: 82

Craigp wrote:
I got the dreaded phone call today. Build date now gone. Could be December or January or February basically he hadn't a clue. Asked about honouring the original price. "Oh you have a price? We will have to see what Land Rover invoice us at the time of delivery"
When was the last time you recieved an update to the build date, was this recently or when you placed the order?
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Got my build date about 6 weeks ago, prior to that nothing just in the pool. Checked with them a couple of weeks ago, informed still on for October but now back in the pool.
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