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- ukms
- Member Since: 02 Oct 2017
- Location: Dubai
- Posts: 44

Suspension Fault after delivery !
Well ! ..... my excitement leading up to my delivery yesterday was very short lived
I took my handover at 5.30pm last night and by 9pm had a fault warning of a suspension fault and the suspension had dropped to access height and drove like a rock. I did a few restarts but the fault came back immediately.
Emailed the dealer and in fairness at 7.30am this morning I had a driver knocking on my door with the keys to a brand new demo SE and took mine away.
I had a call from the technical manager this afternoon who told me that they had diagnosed a faulty suspension valve which they had ordered and 'should' be in by 11am tomorrow and i'll have mine back for the weekend (my weekend in UAE starts Friday).
I'll update when I get it back. Disappointed but not shocked and at least I have a decent replacement while mine is in.
- Blackfly
- Member Since: 15 Jun 2017
- Location: Up North
- Posts: 466

ouch, lets hope it is resolved PDQ
F50, Fourtack, LR3 and now..............D5 HSE TDV6
- ukms
- Member Since: 02 Oct 2017
- Location: Dubai
- Posts: 44

Ive just noticed a 'Suspension Fault' Bulletin on TOPIx but I cant access it as I don't have a subscription .... does anyone have access to this ?
- ukms
- Member Since: 02 Oct 2017
- Location: Dubai
- Posts: 44

Just picked it up from the service centre. All seems to be fine.
Apparently they had a batch of faulty valves go through production which has affected a number of D5 and Velar. The part has been modified so no longer an issue and is being fitted to affected vehicles as and when it comes to light.
I can now get on and enjoy my new toy over the weekend

- Discoaus
- Member Since: 21 Oct 2017
- Location: Sydney
- Posts: 3
I have had exactly the same problem in my Disco 5 hours after delivery.
It was fixed, in my case put down to a faulty compressor.
Two days after the repair, a loud pop was heard and air gushing. Suspension fault displaying again and the car again in accesss mode and stuck there. Back at dealers.
In one week since delivery we're up to our second loan car and our car has spent more time in the shop than at home. No anawers yet.
Would appreciate if you could keep us informed if the valve fix does indeed rectify the issue.
For the five minutes I drove my Disco I loved it-but the whole thing is a nightmare for us now. Never experienced this with a new car before.
- ukms
- Member Since: 02 Oct 2017
- Location: Dubai
- Posts: 44

I’ll keep you posted, everything still seems to be OK.
I’ve now covered 500km and deliberately driven more than normal. I’ve taken it off road for a bit on sand, rock and gravel, so played around a bit with the suspension settings and all seemed good.
- Discoaus
- Member Since: 21 Oct 2017
- Location: Sydney
- Posts: 3
How are you going with your car?
It turns out our issue is exactly the same as the one you described. Unfortunately, the second issue was caused during the repair of the valve...which is disappointing, but we are hopeful that's the last of it.
Would definitely appreciate the reassurance that all is fine after the valve problem is rectified.
- ukms
- Member Since: 02 Oct 2017
- Location: Dubai
- Posts: 44

Everything has been fine ! ....... no issues at all ..... hopefully yours will be the same

- Discoaus
- Member Since: 21 Oct 2017
- Location: Sydney
- Posts: 3
Great, thanks for the reply. Fingers crossed.
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