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- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Just had a quick look at the survey doesn't say how it was conducted or how the samples were taken were they approached or invited to partake. I remember when I first got mine (SE) most of the problems were with the HSE and its entertainment system. Mine was the same they had been fitting in the freelander for sometime so no issues.
It's interesting they mention body work not heard too much about that well apart from blisters on my wheels.
What Car? found that Discovery owners were most likely to experience problems with electrics (24 per cent), bodywork (18 per cent) and batteries (12 per cent).
No mention of engines or mechanical.
And how do the best ones get to score 100%
Anyhow link above.
- Wolfpack
- Member Since: 25 May 2019
- Location: Norfolk, UK
- Posts: 379

The black pack components on my D5 are not weathering well. Admittedly not garaged, but the lower trims have a bloom and all around there are increasing signs of pickling with the bubbles in the protective? coating that are cracking and lifting. Not good but not going to invest in a total replacement.

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