Discovery 2017

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  • DieselRanger
    Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
    Location: God's Country, Colorado
    Posts: 769
    United States 
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Silicon Silver

    Diesel oil test sticky?

    Can we create a sticky in "Faults and Fixes" where members can post their diesel oil test results to track the diesel dilution issue?

    Since it appears there may be fixes implemented or imminent, and it's a widespread issue on the TDV6 engine, it might be helpful for new people searching for the problem and to avoid multiple posts in other threads.

    I would suggest enforcing the following post guidelines in that sticky:

    - Model year
    - Type of engine (2.0L, 3.0L TDV6, SDV6...)
    - miles or km on engine
    - miles or km on oil
    - brand/weight of oil used
    - Test results posted as high resolution picture as long as FIO % is shown - wear metals would be beneficial also
  • LukasW
    Member Since: 01 Oct 2017
    Location: Prague
    Posts: 30
    Czech Republic 
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Carpathian Grey

    I second this motion, I just spent couple of minutes trying to figure out which thread is the right one to post the results in and I'm still not sure I picked the right one (dug it up from page 2 of the general forum).

    I'd also suggest to perhaps give the premature oil service a sub-forum on its own to concentrate all the relevant threads - which are regrettably way too many here (and it's not the posters fault) - in one place.
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