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- delly
- Member Since: 19 Apr 2023
- Location: Ontario
- Posts: 6

exhaust crossover pipe
my 2019 discovery TD6 has an exhaust leak from the crossover pipe. vehicle has 62k miles on it. has anyone had this repair done? pipe is very difficult to reach and wondering if the engine or transmission has to be removed to complete this repair?
- nebc100
- Member Since: 08 Mar 2019
- Location: Altlinster
- Posts: 412

Not heard any comments about this for the D5, but not uncommon for the D3 & D4… not an easy job at all, and from what I remember the easier was is to take the transmission out because it is VERY hard to get to some of the bolts that hold the xover pipe at the back of the engine.
- Wolfpack
- Member Since: 25 May 2019
- Location: Norfolk, UK
- Posts: 378

Re: exhaust crossover pipe
delly wrote:
my 2019 discovery TD6 has an exhaust leak from the crossover pipe. vehicle has 62k miles on it. has anyone had this repair done? pipe is very difficult to reach and wondering if the engine or transmission has to be removed to complete this repair?
Just as an aside question…have you asked a LR dealer to quote a price to do the job?
The reason I ask is that I had a split pipe on my D4 some years ago. My local Independent LR garage said it was a pig to do and the last time they did one the customer ended up with a bill around £3k with all the hours labour involved in removing engine or gearbox?
However he suggested that I take it to the LR dealership for a quote ….as they have fixed prices for many jobs and this replacement according to JLR was a 4 hour job and costing around £800.
The fact it CAN take many many more hours longer would be their problem and not chargeable to the customer over the original quote.
Worth asking the question before suffering the hours of work yourself.
- delly
- Member Since: 19 Apr 2023
- Location: Ontario
- Posts: 6

after searching through the Italian discovery 5 shop manual and using Google Translate my understanding is the front and rear drive shafts have to be disconnected and the transmission partially lowered to gain working access to the bolts/nuts holding the crossover pipe in place.
so a bigger job than i want to tackle. the dealer wants $2,400 CAD (£1,390/€1,610/USD $1,770) parts and labour. my independent repair guy did not want to do it so i will get it done by the dealer who says he has done this repair on a few Disco 5s. Wolfpack- good suggestion to get a quote from the dealer- thanks.
- Wolfpack
- Member Since: 25 May 2019
- Location: Norfolk, UK
- Posts: 378

Sounds like £1300 is probably about right now, as my quote of £800 on a D4 was 5years ago.
What annoys me with dealers is their insistence to charge £190 to diagnose a fault, even if the fault is obvious. My independent guy diagnosed the split pipe for free. He then suggested I take it to the dealer to repair (as already mentioned) but to tell them that a well known UK road recovery company diagnosed the fault at the roadside and that if his diagnosis was correct I would want a refund of the £190 as I had told THEM what the problem was.
As it happens I didn’t need to cross either of those bridges.
I took the car to the dealer and while I was waiting the wife saw a D5 on the forecourt she fancied…….and we did a trade in instead.
Moral of the story: don’t take the wife to the dealers with you.
- delly
- Member Since: 19 Apr 2023
- Location: Ontario
- Posts: 6

Wolfpack that is one way to solve the problem LOL. my independent shop called back and is now keen to do the job. Although they are really busy now they know in a couple of weeks they will be looking for work.
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