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- Dirty Trucker
- Member Since: 04 Jan 2018
- Location: Kent
- Posts: 83

Brake lights
Are the brake lights on the tailgate supposed to light up or just the ones on the rear wings?? My car is going back to the dealership so I composing a list to be looked at.
- DG
- Member Since: 27 Apr 2016
- Location: Surrey
- Posts: 434

- Dirty Trucker
- Member Since: 04 Jan 2018
- Location: Kent
- Posts: 83

Thanks for the link DG. seems strange to have all the potential there and no t use it. But I guess its a LR thing

- DG
- Member Since: 27 Apr 2016
- Location: Surrey
- Posts: 434

A lot of lighting design decisions have to take in consideration for regs on what lights must be visible to other road users from the rear with the tailgate open. Also, there is no requirement for the size of a stop light, just that it is reasonably visible for the purpose.

- Big Al
- Member Since: 24 Aug 2017
- Location: Swindon
- Posts: 73

You would have thought that having a substantial lamp assembly upon both the tailgate and surround they could have provided the brake light upon both!
Of course then there’s the paltry reversing “lights” which are of no use to anyone, as they’re so small and dim (probably like the LR engineer responsible for the D5 rear lamps!).
It does seem that so much from behind the drivers seat backwards in the D5 was an afterthought and they could have spent a few more minutes on the design of such!
- DiscoStu
- Member Since: 28 Apr 2016
- Location: Greater London
- Posts: 407

Takes me back to the days of modifying the D3 brake lights to bring on the ‘spare’!
MY19 Silver HSE Lux SDV6
MY19 Carpathian Grey HSE Lux SDV6 - gone, MY18 Carpathian Grey HSE Lux TDV6 - gone
- max099
- Member Since: 17 Feb 2017
- Location: Vienna
- Posts: 54

I still think this brake light design is the single most stupid thing they did to the new Disco.
It is so incomprehensible to have the hardware but not to use it and to pass on enhanced visibility / security. It's insane.

D3 - MY 2008 (gone)
RRS - MY 2010 (gone)
- Road Runner 2017
- Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
- Location: Scotland
- Posts: 2010

Rumour has it the 2018 model has the full set of brake lights, even on the tailgate

- max099
- Member Since: 17 Feb 2017
- Location: Vienna
- Posts: 54

@Road Runner:
wouldn't surprise me,... I actually expect them to be changed (back) to full.
D3 - MY 2008 (gone)
RRS - MY 2010 (gone)
- Road Runner 2017
- Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
- Location: Scotland
- Posts: 2010

Here's hoping. If we all got together and put up a signed petition, you never know. I also thought several members on here, had invites too LR board meetings?? Well that's the perfect time too address the issue!!! How difficult or expensive can it be too run a couple of extra wires and bulbs?? A few pounds if that. I remember my last car only had 1 rear fog light in the rear. So I just connected another bulb with a holder (from eBay) onto the opposite light after tapping into the original light. Looked alot better and cost £5 if that.
Am pretty sure you could tap into the high level brake light in the boot and run wires too both the lights inside the tailgate and route the wires internally behind the door card leaving a neat installation with no wires showing. I may well have a go at this myself once the car arrives if it's not been upgraded by then. If anything I would have thought that the test mule cars would have had only the side brake lights functioning and the production cars have the boot ones functioning as well, not the opposite way around. It's not as if it can't be done as they have proved that it can. Not sure if different countries/markets have the full set working. I do know that in the States, lighting laws are different to those in the UK

- DG
- Member Since: 27 Apr 2016
- Location: Surrey
- Posts: 434

Yes they are different. Really not sure what the issue is here ..by the magic of "vision", I have been able to see the brake lights of a D5 come on in the day and at night ...nobody died

Last edited by DG on 4th Feb 2018 10:54 am. Edited 1 time in total
- Road Runner 2017
- Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
- Location: Scotland
- Posts: 2010

Too be honest with an ASS the size of the QE2 it's hard too miss. However the amount of idiots I see on the roads who are looking down between their legs where they are using their mobiles in the hope of not getting caught is unbelievable. Already had the D4 rear ended and the excuse was oh, I never seen you and that was with bigger brake lights. Not too mention the lack of people not wearing specs. First time for everything I suppose. I rest my case

- max099
- Member Since: 17 Feb 2017
- Location: Vienna
- Posts: 54

Road Runner 2017 wrote:
... However the amount of idiots I see on the roads who are looking down between their legs where they are using their mobiles in the hope of not getting caught is unbelievable...
Very true!

D3 - MY 2008 (gone)
RRS - MY 2010 (gone)
- Road Runner 2017
- Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
- Location: Scotland
- Posts: 2010

- DG
- Member Since: 27 Apr 2016
- Location: Surrey
- Posts: 434

Why? ...if I get rear ended, it will be the fault of the other driver ...guaranteed

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