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- MattChines
- Member Since: 06 Apr 2017
- Location: Bath
- Posts: 3
Alarm going off ?
Hi All,
So last night at around 1.00am for no reason it the Alarm went off om Disco 5 had since March and never has done this before. Reset it on double lock and then about 30 mins later went off again....Reset it again and then did the same again 30 mins later or so.
I then single locked in on the 3rd time and did not go off again.
Has anyone else experienced this or might know what it could be ??????
- Craigp
- Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
- Location: Hull
- Posts: 690
Yes but they could be classed as valid. Camera came unstuck and swung down. Also kept going off on a windy day. Wind must have been just caching it right as this is not a common occurrence. Oh and a big moth or something got in and was flying round. (Or did i dream that)

- Guy
- Member Since: 10 Aug 2016
- Location: Sitting Down, Facing Front
- Posts: 27

@MattChines - did you resolve the alarm issue, or did it go away?
Mine went off at 4am today; thought at first I'd left the sunroof open but I hadn't and no security lights had come on so it wasn't someone tampering with or rocking the car. I re-locked it (double lock) and it was fine after that.
Are alarm activations logged somewhere on the vehicle that a dealer or IID (if it worked on a D5) could interpret them?
- rogersmj
- Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
- Location: Hampshire
- Posts: 213

Correct me if i'm wrong here, but double locking enables the sensors inside the car, single locking does not? In which case i'd suspect something inside the cabin.
Had a similar experience a few years ago in my D4, when a Bee was trapped inside the car. It was one of those big ones and set off the motion sensors inside a few times, only found it after checking the car over after the and alarm.
- Guy
- Member Since: 10 Aug 2016
- Location: Sitting Down, Facing Front
- Posts: 27

Yes - you are correct - double locking sets the internal sensors - so that's my next check - unwanted winged things flitting around in the cabin. 4am wasn't a good time for going on a moth-hunt.

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