I have been having this issue since delivery and have tried many different settings to try and cure this but nothing seems to work.
I use Mp3tag software to edit ID3tag info.
I transfer my MP3's onto a USB stick using a folder for each artist and then a folder for each album.
It can play them without any issues.
BUT, the displayed order of albums and songs is completely mixed up.
I basically name the albums with 01 xxxxx, 02 xxxxxx, 03 xxxxxxx so they are in order of the year each came out. This way it's easier to play them in order when i decide to binge listen an artist from first to latest album.
Artists are in alphabetical order, fine. But it sometimes uses the old name that was used before i changed the ID3tags.
Albums are in alphabetical order but are not always using the album names i have saved in the ID3tags of each song.
It will display some using the 01, 02 03 naming system i use and some will display using the original name of the album. I assume it's using the folder name as there is nowhere else it could get that info from. But even then, some original album names don't match what the infotainment displays.
How is the system using different sorting systems at the same time ?
Does anyone know which MP3 ID3 tag version JLR uses ?
I think i have tried all of them and they all give mixed results.
Or maybe i should delete the ID3tags and change the folder names instead.
That would not be fun as i have a USB stick for my motorcycle and one for the D5 and both have pretty much the same music on them. That would mean doing the naming of everything twice.
The 2013 BMW motorcycle has no issues at all but the 2017 Land Rover can't choose which sorting system it wants to use...