- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

Rejection FAIL !
Well, my D5 ran out of service on the 24th Nov, 3rd time in less than 9K miles,
After entering into the rejection process i have been told by the Finance Company that the previous two visits in June and Sept are not being taken into account and that it basically needs to go back in for the first time.
I have declined this offer for no other reason than the fact that they are making me out to be a liar. i spoke with JLR Customer Services to day who have basically confirmed that by taking it back in June i have given them the oportunity to rectify the fault, again in Sept the fault was not rectified and it happened again in Nov. They confirmed that i only have to give the dealer one chance to fix the fault. How convenient then that neither fault has been logged !
The initial diagnosis was Oil Dilution, That is what the dealer diagnosed not me, regardless of the fact that 2 Oil samples on this site confirm the fact that the issue does not exist the fact remains that my vehicle will not conduct itself as advertised or in the manner in which i anticipated it should when i purchased it new in March.
I should have driven 5K miles round trip to Marbella and back this summer but it only conducts between 1,700 - 2,800 miles. So that wasn't an option.
It only does Motorway miles. Or it used to, Its been sat on the drive since late Nov, The battery is now flat. And because it can't be driven over the service indicator, because there is no fault as such because the first two trips are void to the dealer it will remain sat on my drive for the next two years.
So to say Oil Dilution does not exist it's done a good job of grounding my vehicle.
I suppose it'll never get crank shaft failure if it never gets driven.
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- Member Since: 11 Oct 2017
- Location: Oldham
- Posts: 159

What dealer are you using Chalky ?
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

Marshalls Peterborough.
Reading between the lines.... either them or Black Horse Finance are trying to secure any shortfall that may be encountered by the manufacturer refusing any shortfall and theyr'e expecting me to run about at my expemse whilst they sit there and click their fingers.
Gone are the days of "The customer is always right". And the woman at the finance company advises that they are NOT accepting my rejection because i have failed to have the problem diagnosed ? On the previous two occasions.
I've spent a few hours this morning with a solicitor, we have contacted the Motor Ombudsman as the previous two instances have been basically shunned as no action was taken to redress the Early on set of Oil Dilution. This they believe to be my fault ? otherwise i wouldn't have to return it yet again.
The good news is JLR have clearly stated their standpoint and they have stopped blaming me for driving it wrong,
In an attempt to stop Black Horse Finance running rough shod over my rejection by failing to accept my honesty and good faith to my previous visits to the dealer we have also fired another case into the Financial ombudsman as it would appear that they do not have to adhere to any code of conduct ?
To say that i'm unhappy with the way that i'm being treated is an understatement,
You can't seem to buy anything nowadays without being held over a barell and dry humped.
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- Dangerdave
- Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
- Location: UK
- Posts: 600
I rejected a car last year. Believe me, it got acrimonious and took 5 months. No help from LRCS or a very belligerent dealer.
Luckily I paid cash, so I didn’t have to bother with a finance company. The dealership folded and accepted the rejection at the 11th hour after they became aware I had engaged a Solicitor and the next step was court and I wasn’t just kidding.
The dealership was one of the large ones with their own in house qualified Solicitor who was quoting off the parts of the CLA to suit his company and was quite nasty. I was returning the compliment with my own quotes from the Act.
My advice is be sure of the outcome you want, don’t waiver and persevere.
Good luck.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

To be fair LRCS have reversed their stance on the subject, and as before they weren't mentioning Oil Dilution they are now not metioning Driving Style, there's no doubt the thousands of miles of journeys i have sent have been looked at and some one has deemed the journeys acceptable.
Aside from all that, The Lady on the fromLRCS advised me she needed to go off and speak to their Legal, She came back to me and confirmed that the dealer only need to be given one attempt to fix a problem.
It's like a switch round of good cop bad cop !!!!
One's saying the manufacturer won't accept the rejection, the others saying the dealers are being obstructive !
I'm stuck in the middle.
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- Dangerdave
- Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
- Location: UK
- Posts: 600
Before 30 days, no attempts. Full refund.
Between 30 days and 6 months, one attempt at a repair and the fault is presumed to be there at manufacture. Refund or new car. Can charge you mileage between 30-40p per mile.
After that time, you need to prove it was there.
If the Ombudsman finds in your favour, the dealership cant argue about the result. If they find against you, you can still take them to court.
When reading the new CLA, do read the explainatory notes that go with it, they are expansive.
In my case I drew the dealerships attention to the fault within 24 hours of purchase. They basically bullied me into letting them attempt to fix it - twice. It still wasn’t done properly so I rejected it instead of allowing a third fix. They then told me it was past the initial 30 days.
However, the clock stops when you report the fault until it’s fixed, so if it isn’t fixed, the time period is put on hold, likewise any time you have to wait to get an appointment to get it into the garage. If that’s 6 months, it doesn’t matter, it’s called dealer delays.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

Latest update, JLR have now turned around 180 degrees AGAIN ! IF YOU CONDUCT MAINLY MTWY JOURNEYS THE DPF WILL NOT RE GEN !
This after 10 months of saying that only short journeys cannot be conducted !
Her suggestion...... drive to work on A roads and ring roads !

2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- Dangerdave
- Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
- Location: UK
- Posts: 600
The flipping vehicle should come with a warning if that’s the case! It’s either fit for purpose or it’s not. Total LRCS muppets.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

I won't step in another dealership as long as i live ! I doubt they will miss my Monthly payment but after witnessing the blatant Lies expressed by LRCS i really think that they must be in a lot more trouble than people actually realise.
For a company to spend 10 Months blatantly making excuses as to the reasoning behind Oil Dilution and blaming my driving style.... As they have done with thousands of other drivers and School Run's, Shopping, errands etc. I sent them Thousands of miles of my own Journeys averaging between 100 - 160 miles and speeds between 45 - 68MPH with multiple oportunities to re - gen, What do they do.
"New investigations and Tests conducted have shown that driving on Motorways does not create the neecesary driving style to actively re generate the DPF, So therefore i would advise driving Mainly A roads and ring roads as this gives the engine a chance to rev and the gearbox a chance to change gears"
Quoted by the lady from LRCS this morning on the phone, I was flabbergasted ! and i challenged her straight away ! i told her how coincidental that finding was and was stark contrast to their last 10 months of not fast enough....... So instead of driving down Motorways where the engine can perform at optimum, What JLR are promoting is an uneconomical driving style which no doubt goes against their real world testing for efficiency and economy.
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- DieselRanger
- Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
- Location: God's Country, Colorado
- Posts: 772

I'm sorry you're going through this. Aside from the early service due notice, do you like the D5?
If so, ignore the service due light and change the oil on schedule and continue to enjoy your vehicle. Do it about every 6 months whether the vehicle thinks it needs it or not. Use the oil they recommend while under warranty. It's just a bit of poorly written software that's telling you it needs a change.
This engine has been around a long time in vehicles that have done a lot of miles without an oil quality monitor, with oil changes on a straight schedule or mileage interval. While they may have changed the post-injection function to deal with more tightly enforced emissions regulations, it is not introducing enough fuel into the oil produce dangerous levels of dilution. We will see what happens as these engines age, but I'm willing to bet we won't see significant levels of dilution appear within the service interval until these engines get well over 100k miles, probably more than 200k miles if they're taken care of.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

Apart from the obvious issue of not being able to conduct a decent run into Europe and back without throwing a fit..... It's great.... Not a squeak, not a rattle or a thud....
The sat nav re started once maybe twice for some reason the screen went black ? and i think my phone didnt sync once or maybe twice, ? Apart from that.... which happens on every car i drive, just one of those tech things, sometimes they work every time but i can live with those two nonsensical issues IF you can call t that ? and i've only picked those two things because thats the only thing it's done.
The Issue regards driving it over the speciifed limit, when it says SERVICE NOW ! if you ignore it, and the engine fails, Or other issues arise, Adblu or DPF or FIO what ever.... your warranty is Invalidated, the manufacturer have firewalled themselves against this by advising owners ! ONLY AFTER THE PROBLEM OCCURS that this is the regime that must be adhered to.
Which kind of makes sense as the light has come on you would asume it requires looking at !
The problem occurs when the dealer can't fit you in for 2 months after the service light comes on !
That takes the biscuit...... and then some !
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- DieselRanger
- Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
- Location: God's Country, Colorado
- Posts: 772

It's interesting that some dealers have told their customers to ignore it and keep driving. I do think the lack of consideration to owners of mY17 vehicles in terms of providing free oil changes outside of the scheduled window but during the initial warranty period is unfortunate - it's a relatively small expense for a small number of vehicles vs. engineering some fix or buying the vehicles back, and moreso, it keeps customers happy and likely coming back to the brand.
I have been in regular contact with JLR-NA customer care, sharing my oil testing results with them as I go. so far it's all transmit on my end and a "thank you, please keep sending" on their end, but I have records acknowledging they have seen the results. I never get a "you need to change your oil when the vehicle tells you to" in response, so in my book (and likely to a claims court in the US should it come to that), silence equals concurrence.