I have been very happy with my D5. Until a couple of annoying noises developed.
It has taken 4 visits to the dealer to fix one of the more obvious faults (fan belt idle pulley) but they have struggled to identify and fix the other (transmission) fault. They have acknowledged there is a noise changed a bearing to no avail and another prop shaft component also to no avail. They have reported it to Landrover and it’s in ‘their hands’. Which means my car has been sat for 3 weeks at the garage while LR technical come up (in their own dilatory time) with the next suggestion to try. There is no urgency in the communication with the dealer …so the dealer says.
Fortunately I have no need for my car at the moment (being retired and happy to stay isolated from people and places at the moment) and a I have got an Evoque (

) courtesy car to use if required.
But I am getting just a tad frustrated that they are dancing round the problem, trying quick, cheap ideas rather than biting the main bullet….whatever that may be.
I appreciate these vehicles are a lot more complicated than the prop and diff on my old Triumph Herald (back in the day) But what clearly ‘sounds’ like a diff problem to my ear seems to scare them to even look into that suggestion.
So where do I go from here?
Do I just sit and wait it out for x more weeks or can I (and how to) apply some pressure to get LR to commit to a bigger effort to get it sorted? What are reasonable expectations for repair times?
The car is under extended LR warranty and the fact they have heard the noise and considered it to be ‘out of the norm’ (or they wouldn’t have started replacing bits already) should mean there is something there to be fixed.
I would be interested in any suggestions from member similar experiences as to how to press the right button to speed things up.