Discovery 2017

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    Member Since: 17 May 2019
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 56
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Scotia Grey

    Very slow infotainment boot.

    Recently upgraded to latest OTA software S20c.

    Now if the vehicle has gone to sleep if left unused for a few days the screen remains blank for up to 10 minutes including no reverse camera function. After 10 minutes system starts normally.

    Subsequent engine starts produce normal boot up until vehicle left for a few days.

    I can only assume it may be a new power saving solution. Never experienced before latest upgrade and is a bit of a pain losing reversing camera at startup.

    Anyone else having a similar problem?

    2017 D5 HSE Grey
  • NRich
    Member Since: 27 Jun 2020
    Location: Huddersfield
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    I have a grey screen on reversing camera usually first start up.
    Member Since: 17 May 2019
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 56
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Scotia Grey

    NRich - sounds similar to my issue.

    How long does your infotainment screen typically take to boot up after blank screen?

    Incidentally I have seen reports of some Jaguar cars having problems with blank screens which was thought to be software related.

    2017 D5 HSE Grey
  • NRich
    Member Since: 27 Jun 2020
    Location: Huddersfield
    Posts: 15
    United Kingdom 

    It tends to clear after I start driving forward if I then reverse again it works ok.
    Member Since: 17 May 2019
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 56
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Scotia Grey

    Sounds a lot better than my situation.

    Currently taking 4-5 minutes to boot from a completely blank screen if car is used on a daily basis.

    Others are not jumping in so it seems I may be an "early adopter" of a another (potential) Disco5 issue. Rolling Eyes

    2017 D5 HSE Grey
  • mordred1973
    Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
    Location: Northamptonshire
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Fuji White

    Mine has never been the fastest. Generally get the grey screen and small reversing camera when leaving home for first time each day and by about 300-400m down the road the home screen becomes available. Told by dealer that is normal. Means can't change volume, or enter a NAV destination until some way down the road, a bit useless.

    I have half solved it in winter, because mine has FBH, if I use that to heat the car it obviously boots up the computers prior to starting the car so then it works normally.

    2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.
  • Duckers
    Member Since: 22 Sep 2020
    Location: Bolton
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    2019 Discovery SDV6 HSE Lux Indus Silver

    Just updated (yesterday) to the latest 20c version, no problems with start up Smile
    Not sure what the upgrade is for anyone any info?
  • mordred1973
    Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
    Location: Northamptonshire
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Fuji White

    had 20c for a couple months, perhaps more. not noticed anything different about it, there was a lit of what it updated about online but nothing really that affects human interaction lol

    2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.
    Member Since: 17 May 2019
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 56
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Scotia Grey

    I should have said I had S20c for a month before the start-up lag began out of the blue.

    It wasn't a problem initially.

    2017 D5 HSE Grey
  • Duckers
    Member Since: 22 Sep 2020
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    2019 Discovery SDV6 HSE Lux Indus Silver

    I should clarify I too updated to the S20c about amonth ago I was referring to a n 8Mb update to the S20c which I was notified of last Monday, still no problems
  • DieselRanger
    Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
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    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Silicon Silver

    STOAT wrote:
    Sounds a lot better than my situation.

    Currently taking 4-5 minutes to boot from a completely blank screen if car is used on a daily basis.

    Others are not jumping in so it seems I may be an "early adopter" of a another (potential) Disco5 issue. Rolling Eyes

    Mine occasionally takes ~2-3min to fully boot, I'd say every cold start in the morning or after it's been sitting a while it will take a minute or so, but occasionally takes longer. 20C as well. I kind of feel like 20B was a little faster....

    I will say the occasional total failure of the screen to turn on that occurred with 18 and 19 versions hasn't happened on any 20 version I've had that I can recall, so in that respect it's gotten better.
  • Mole HD
    Member Since: 18 Nov 2024
    Location: Orkney Islands
    Posts: 21
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Fuji White

    Glad I found this thread since mine on my '17 TD6 has been playing up lately. Sometimes it's fine on initial start up in the morning...but when I switch off and jump out for any reason, sometimes the center screen takes up to a few minutes to fire back up when I get back in.

    I thought it was tied to a dodgy door sensor or something as the tell is the center screen not flashing up the LR logo when I open the door. The worst is, it's intermittent...sometimes it's fine, other times I have to wait up to a couple of minutes for it to fire up since it ties in with reversing cameras etc.

    I've tried forcing it to fire up by selecting R and seeing if the reversing camera will boot it up...sometimes works, sometimes doesn't...saying that, I suspect that's more pure luck, timing and coincidence than any sort of workaround Rolling Eyes

    It's doing my nut in...mainly because I haven't yet sussed out what the issue is...besides being a Land Rover.

    Just a thought...since I live on a remote island with only 400 permanent residents (we all know eachother), I don't lock the car except last thing at night. Could the slow screen boot ups be related to me not locking the car when I jump out at the local shop or to go feed the cows etc?

    I'll try it I reckon...LR security not taking living on a remote island with zero crime as a possibility perhaps? Shocked

    I never had the issue with my D4...but then again, I never once locked it or took the keys out of it except to replace the fob batteries every now and then. Up here, locking the car is as much a foreign concept as ever locking the house...or wearing a seatbelt Whistle

    Atque in perpetuum, frater. Ave atque vale
  • Mole HD
    Member Since: 18 Nov 2024
    Location: Orkney Islands
    Posts: 21
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Fuji White

    As a final word on the slow infotainment screen thingy...I think I sussed it. I had an old data sim card in the slot I hadn't renewed the contract on, it ran out in Feb...round about the time the screen started playing up...Since I use Android Auto rather than the on board software, I just forgot it was in there.

    No idea why it would cause the intermittent slow screen boot up, but...I took it out yesterday and the main screen seems back to normal...for the moment anyway...

    I live in hope Rolling Eyes

    Atque in perpetuum, frater. Ave atque vale
  • Darras
    Member Since: 16 May 2020
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    I lived in the Outer Hebrides, No one ever locked their cars and most left their keys in the car, normally behind the sun visor. There again no one stole from anyone else.

    Of course that changed when outsiders wanting a lifestyle change, moved in.🙄
  • Mole HD
    Member Since: 18 Nov 2024
    Location: Orkney Islands
    Posts: 21
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Fuji White

    Aye, I hear you on that. As a coincidence, I lived on South Uist for 10 years or so back in the 90's when I was still in the army. Hence the attraction to island living. My kids grew up and went to school there as native Gaelic speakers. I'm not a native islander though, I was born and raised in the highlands..

    The farm we have now was an old family farm from my mother's side we took on when I left the army...she's from Orkney originally. I seem to be migrating further north as I get older, luckily enough I'm too old and set to move any more or we'd have ended up in Svalbjard or something Shocked

    Strangest thing about living here after being so long in Uist...there's no Gaelic, being that Orkney was part of Norway till the 15th century, it's full of bloody Vikings. As a Scot, I'm practically an ethnic minority up here Whistle

    Atque in perpetuum, frater. Ave atque vale
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