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- Darras
- Member Since: 16 May 2020
- Location: Newcastle
- Posts: 790
I lived on Harris, so just a hop, skip and jump from the Uists.
Another way of life, but a good one. We used to get the Sunday papers on Tuesday and the daily papers at 6pm. You’d get the Monday daily before the Sunday papers. People still lived in Black houses, the Lords Day Observance Society. The Sabbath🤣
I could reminisce all day and people wouldn’t believe the stories. It was literally like that old Compton Mackenzie film, Whisky Galore right down to the village shop!
We are mainland highlands now, but when we get rid of the last boy, we are back off to the west side of Lewis or Harris again.
- Mole HD
- Member Since: 18 Nov 2024
- Location: Orkney Islands
- Posts: 21

Aye, go for it. A belated return to the land of the wee free's
I couldn't go back to mainland living now...way too busy and hectic, even out in the sticks. We spent a couple of weeks at my sister's farm near Callander last year, that place has got way busier and more touristy than I ever remembered it as I was growing up.
Our kids are all in their 30's and were married off before we were forced to sell them into slavery. Both the boys run the farm now that they've finally given up being soldiers...I'm just the shouty old bloke who turns up at lunchtime and tells them they're doing it wrong. Our daughter lives and works in Qatar as an aircraft systems engineer (she's ex RAF like my missus) so all is peaceful.
Semi retirement on any of the outer islands is definitely where it's at. Half a dozen hens, a few ducks, a pair of permanently angry looking geese and a tame cow for the milk...bliss

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