Discovery 2017

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  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
    Location: Hampshire
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    InControl Secure - What Thatcham Device is it?

    Looking at my car insurance details, I see that I haven't actually got any kind of discount for the InControl Secure Tracker thats fitted to my Disco5. I called my Insurance company (who are Aviva, a very large insurance company here in the UK) and asked the question why.

    Apparently even though I supplied them with the Tracker certificate (that you can download via the InControl website), they don't know what model it is and the details on the certificate don't match any known one.

    Does anyone know if this particular tracker is a special one just for the Disco5? If not then theres little chance of getting any discount for having it.
  • Blackfly
    Member Since: 15 Jun 2017
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    this may not help, but....mine is fitted with TAG, I was given a card with the ID number of my installation, if you have something similar you should be able to contact the service provider to get detail of you system.

    It is probably totally different from the Crying or Very sad UK set up though

    F50, Fourtack, LR3 and now..............D5 HSE TDV6
  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    Now you mention it, there was a smart tag attached to the inside of the windscreen in the corner. Maybe that will help - thanks.

    I'm not sure if its the same as the UK, but if you log into your InControl account, you can see the Incontrol apps that are connected to your car, and if you go into the details of the InControl Secure, you can download a PDF copy of the tracker certificate.

    This says that the tracker is a 'Thatcham Evaluation No: Cat 6 TTS - 1101 / 0913', but unfortunately none of these details recognise the tracker as a specific version that the insurance company recognise. In deed I have gone through 3 insurance companies to see if any of them know (and how much discount they would potentially give) - and no-one knows the specifications.
  • neilk
    Member Since: 12 Aug 2016
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Loire Blue

    The InControl Secure is listed in this document on the Thatcham Website

    Page 54 - Showing it as a "Cat 6" system, and is common to Evoque, RR, RR Sport and D5.

    I seem to recall from when I researched this that Cat 6 is tracking only and Cat 5 is actually tracking and recovery in appears to be a higher level of cover. In the end it was academic as I missed it off the factory order, and presumed it could be added as a "subscription" but it appears the standard tracking as exposed in the app has different hardware to the In Control Secure option, and no retrofit is possible.

    That should be enough to point the insurer to the right system, as Thatcham do the assessment of the systems.
  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
    Location: Hampshire
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    Thanks for the link, however it doesn't actually say the D5, that seems to be missing in the PDF.
  • jimbg
    Member Since: 23 Jun 2016
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    It says all Discoveries from Feb '17

  • neilk
    Member Since: 12 Aug 2016
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Loire Blue

    I think that table is for the standard alarm not the tracker. Even though the D5 is not listed the system shares the same certification and is the same so it should not matter, they should be able to identify it. I am sure they rely on the manufacturers certifying once then applying to the vehicles rather than doing every model the same kit is fitted too.

    To be fair I had a couple of insurers insist on a tracker, but they couldn’t specify after market or OEM devices as their scripts ran out. In the end I found an insurer that did not mandate it and they were cheaper. No logic in when they mandate it or in the impact on price.

    They do give a contact number for JLR in that document but it may well be generic.
  • jimbg
    Member Since: 23 Jun 2016
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    The Discovery is on the last line.
  • neilk
    Member Since: 12 Aug 2016
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Loire Blue

    Maybe I am missing something but the reference to the Discovery Feb 17 is for the standard alarm immobiliser which is Cat 1 and is the table you posted earlier. The in control pro secure is a different certification and that is the one not referenced in the document as being on the D5. This is the table I am referring to

    In reading the document it is the evaluation number that is important and is the reference that should identify it to the insurer.
  • ForlornMTL
    Member Since: 14 Jun 2017
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    This is the system Blackfly is talking about.

    It's a system that places multiple miniaturized transponders all over the vehicle, 17 if i'm not mistaken.
    They take bits off and secure them inside fenders and such, so they are not easily removable by a thief in a hurry. And by being hidden all over the vehicle it could take some time to find them all before TAG track it.

    After doing a quick search i found out we have Insecure Control in Canada....i mean, Incontrol Secure Rolling with laughter
    or stolen vehicle locator as they call it.
    But i don't think anyone is aware at the dealership and certainly not in the insurance world.
    I did not have any option, as soon as i said Land Rover i was told it needs a TAG or i cannot get insured.
    It wasn't expensive, 500$ CAD or so, if memory serves.

    Insurance companies are not really into giving a rebate are they. And if they do i would be weary of them finding a reason to not pay once it gets stolen.

    2017 HSE Luxury TD6 Dynamic Pack in Firenze Red, Ebony with Pimento Stitch.
  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    Here in the UK, you can get quite a bit off of your car insurance if you have a recognised tracker fitted to your vehicle. Sometimes 10% - 15% off.

    This was the main reason I was asking if anyone knew the exact name and type of the tracker fitted. When I do an online quote, theres a drop down menu where you choose the tracker you have. Theres around 30 to choose from and of those about 7 Thatcham specific, however none of the names or codes match the Discovery one.
  • neilk
    Member Since: 12 Aug 2016
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    The reference is the one you had in your earlier post, the Cat 6 followed by the evaluation number as that is how they identify them. The issue is it is unlikely that the websites and online quoting platforms are built and updated with that level of detail as it doesn’t come up enough to make it worthwhile, or to throw up issues that they fix. I suspect if you talk to a broker they can in turn talk to an underwriter who understands the topic, but in many cases they will be more expensive than your online price anyway so it may not be worth the hassle. When I was going through the same loop I couldn’t get a good response online or via a call centre. My D4 policy provider took me through a whole process then dumped me out online at the last moment as it insisted later in the process on a tracker after going through all my details.

    The insurer I found who neither insisted on or discounted for the tracker was actually the lowest as well, so the 10-15% didn’t matter. I know it is simply stating the obvious but the trackers are more a factor of if they will provide cover at all as the risk and value increases rather than being a tool to reduce premiums. I think the D5 is now on the cusp of that value/risk profile when they will mandate it anyway.[/quote]
  • Flat Earther
    Member Since: 15 Dec 2016
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    Having a tracker fitted cut my insurance premium by around 60%!!

    Surprisingly, the NFU weren’t interested in whether it was Thatcham Cat 5 or 6. It’s well worth trying the NFU if you have what the judge to be a rural post code Thumbs Up
  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    Wow, 60% is good! Especially as the insurance is so high, even with 9 years no claims discount!

    I'll give them a call! Thanks.
  • LukasW
    Member Since: 01 Oct 2017
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    rogersmj wrote:

    I'm not sure if its the same as the UK, but if you log into your InControl account, you can see the Incontrol apps that are connected to your car, and if you go into the details of the InControl Secure, you can download a PDF copy of the tracker certificate.

    Is this pdf copy of the tracker certificate located in the details, you get to when you click on the 'about this service' in the list of services on the right side of the incontrol homepage or the details you get to when you click on the 'incontrol secure' on the left side of the grey bar at the top of the homepage?

    I was advised by the dealer that I should obtain the certificate from the InControl website somehow (with the stress on the somehow, as it was all he knew), but I wasn't able to find any so far and I suspect bad localisation of the Czech version of the InControl web may be to blame, so I'd like to know how it works for the UK (and possibly other) cars (plainly switching the UI to english doesn't work, as the car & associated terms&conditions, services etc. remain Czech).

    As a sidenote I have to say, so far my impressions of the InControl ecosystem are rather underwhelming. For starters it's very poorly documented with lots of 'may not be available in some cars' or 'some markets' so it's really hard to determine what you really should get and whether you are missing out on a feature because your car or market belong to the enigmatic some or beacause it simply doesn't work ATM.
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