Does this look right guys? Seems poorly secured, but might be normal...tried in this area but as yet unable to stop the ‘plasticky rattle’ ...note; 2ltr engine bay... although it could easily be this, it still remains coincedental it started after they filled up the ad-blue tank.
PS: Also the middle washer jet is loose/wobbly, is this also normal?
Last edited by Capt Pugwash on 8th Mar 2018 7:24 am. Edited 1 time in total
They will have it back again & again until they fix it!... not sure what else you could do....has your buzzing noise returned yet? or is the car sounding ok now? I told them to check the adblue pipe curuit under the car, they checked it all plus a lot more and felt they had maybe fixed it, But did’nt know exactly how...the minute I started her the noise and vibration was still evident... not sure if they are blagging, but they will keep having it back until they find & fix the fault...
They appear to have altered /lowered my tickover along the way... what is the exact rpm for the tickover on a 2ltr?
Another attempt by myself today to try and locate the source of the noise as the dealer appears to be struggling 🙄...when the bonnet is up there are too plastic panels running along the width adjacent to the window washer jets...these panels are both very loose and certainly create a similar noise when I rattle them by hand...too early to say if this is the cuplprit though...
Can anybody verify that theirs are either tight or loose please...
Does your bonnet close firmly?
Couple of days ago I noticed that when closed, the bonnet is moving up and down about 5mm when pushed. I have not had time to show it to dealer nor time to try to fix it myself to see whether this has effect to the rumbling noise, similar to yours.
I would guess that even in modest speed, air flow is able to make the bonnet to vibrate.
I have no movement on my bonnet...but these long plastic panels are really badly attched and at low revs rattle/vibrate badly...I intend to go to dealer and get him to show me the panels on a new/showroom D5 to compare!
Are your panels at this location on underside of bonnet closest to windscreen also loose?
Anybody else also able to check these panels are not tightly fitted or not?
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