Discovery 2017

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  • Hissinsid
    Member Since: 20 Oct 2017
    Location: Yorkshire
    Posts: 43
    United Kingdom 

    Late by a few days but got rid of the thing.

    D5 2.0L HSE gone Oct 2018 and gladly forgotten.
    Not one day of trouble free motoring.
  • Pcheaven
    Member Since: 06 Jun 2017
    Location: Tunbridge wells
    Posts: 378
    United Kingdom 

    My old one is still available on my remote app. It is sat at the dealers
  • LancsLad
    Member Since: 22 Aug 2018
    Location: Lancs
    Posts: 147
    United Kingdom 
    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Santorini Black

    Noticed it was on....bit of a lump to tow!
    Tdv6 handled it effortlessly, anyone who knows anything about machines will clock that this was pretty much at capacity..😉

    Santorini Black MY 18 HSE Dynamic BLACK TDV6
  • chicken george
    Member Since: 31 Mar 2018
    Location: N. Yorks
    Posts: 51
    United Kingdom 

    take your sandwiches out of the digger cab, legality will be restored

    Chicken George, Land Rover owner for decades , and proud buyer of British products.
  • Down & Dirty
    Member Since: 04 Feb 2018
    Location: Gone out back may be a while
    Posts: 91
    United Kingdom 

    Hooverd out and quick wash as off to airport tomorrow.

    3.5 weeks of sun sea sand booze Cool
    and No phone ringing Laughing

    2018 HSE Now Gone
  • Dodlestonian
    Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
    Location: Cheshire
    Posts: 134
    United Kingdom 

    Birth of a D5

    What a brilliant couple of days!!

    I've been to Solihull factory to see my new D5 being born and to do an off road experience with the guys at the VIP Centre - They allowed me to take photos and video.

    I've just got back and I'm smashed but I'm intending to do a half decent video of my visit with two mates as soon as I can, and I'll provide a link for anyone who may be interested.

    In the meantime here's a photo with me and my car Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Thumbs Up


    2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
  • bammmy
    Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
    Location: The Scottish Highlands.
    Posts: 146

    Hi Dodlestonian,

    Who sorted this for you, was it your good self or was it done through the dealer.?
    Did you manage it watch from beginning to end?
    Any information you could share plus your video would be superb.

    Just a thought, would mine be made in the UK?

    I would love to see the berth of our new D5, ordered for delivery in March ‘19

  • Dodlestonian
    Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
    Location: Cheshire
    Posts: 134
    United Kingdom 

    Hi Mark,

    I first went to Solihull on a factory experience day. There I was told I could see my car being made.
    It costs £325 for two people and that includes a really good lunch and being treated like royalty for half a day.
    If your interested get in touch with Adam at Jaguar Land Rover VIP Visitor Centre,

    T: Mobile +44(0)7771 331897
    T: Solihull +44 (0)121 347 2538
    Please tell him I sent you because I'd really like him to know I'm giving something back after the brilliant time he gave us over the past two days.
    In addition, I've now arranged to go to the factory and collect my car, not at the dealership.

    Landrover are going to send a guy in a Range Rover all the way to my home in Chester, collect me and my wife and take us to the factory.
    We will have a short off road time, then a short factory tour taking in all the bits I want my wife to see, plus lunch, then a handover of the vehicle.

    I'm REALLY looking forward to that - unfortunately even thought my car is made, I won't be getting delivery of it until mid January, but according to Adam, it would be just as long a wait if I got it from the dealership.

    Here's another photo taken this morning.

    AJ Mr. Green

    2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
  • bammmy
    Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
    Location: The Scottish Highlands.
    Posts: 146

    Hi Dodlestonian,

    Thanks for the detailed reply👍
    When you say you did the trip was it organised to see your car or just circumstantial whilst you were there?
    Did you see the whole process from beginning to end, no idea how long that actually takes by the way😂

  • Dodlestonian
    Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
    Location: Cheshire
    Posts: 134
    United Kingdom 

    Hi Mark,
    I originally went just on a factory tour.
    That was when I was told I could actually watch my car being made.
    Adam gave me his number.
    I arranged the visit myself - I just phoned him.
    He needed the "common order number" you can get this from your dealer.

    Once I gave him that he found my car on the system together with the build date.
    He arranged that my car started on the track at 6am this morning.
    For the first three hours there's nothing much to see - just little bits being assembled that could be from any random car.
    So our visit began at 9am - they gave us a four course breakfast while Phil (our guide) went into the factory and worked out where my car actually was.
    The car was in three bits.
    The shell
    The engine
    and the "lets call it a chassis" which houses all the running gear.
    at about 9:20 we went into the factory and walked alongside the chassis watching the assembly, as you see in the photo below.
    The engine (As an existing lump) is meanwhile having pipes and stuff added to it, but of course this is in another part of the factory, so you can't see both engine and chassis assembly at once, you have to nip to one and then to the other.
    Then, the shell appears, so now there's three points of interest.
    All three move closer together.
    First the engine and chassis get married together, you watch that.
    Then the pair are bolted to the shell and you watch that, so now you just have one thing to watch.
    The car goes off up who knows where and gets screens and stuff done - you can't see it then, so Phil took us to watch new cars coming off the line for 15 mins.
    Then the car appears again and you see the seats go in, door rubbers etc. etc.
    Just after the wheels are fitted the car disappeared and Phil said lots of small things happening now, not that interesting, and its about three hours from there before the car comes off the line, so that was it for us, we left and went off roading.
    So in answer to your question no, you don't see everything but you see all the main stuff and you get to chat to the actual guys who are building your car and they are really fun guys. I don't know how political the Solihull factory is, I'm sure they have their issues like everywhere else, but to be honest it came across to us that everyone was enjoying their jobs, we had a really fun time, laughing for most of the morning.

    2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
  • bammmy
    Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
    Location: The Scottish Highlands.
    Posts: 146

    Hi Dodlestonian,

    Many many thanks for such a comprehensive explanation, it sounds a great thing to do.
    I hope it doesn’t become to stressful for you if and when you ever come to change having been there at the birth.

    Thanks again and can’t wait for more photos and videos.

  • Dodlestonian
    Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
    Location: Cheshire
    Posts: 134
    United Kingdom 

    No video sorry

    Hi Guys,

    I finished my video of my factory visit.
    Unfortunately JLR won't let me release it.
    Originally they said I had to pixellate the faces of all the workers but now they say there's some secret stuff going on in the background so I can't make my video public.


    2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
  • LancsLad
    Member Since: 22 Aug 2018
    Location: Lancs
    Posts: 147
    United Kingdom 
    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Santorini Black

    Brilliant summary of your trip very informative, Thanks!

    Surprised they let you film in the first place? at Halewood it was definate NO. But that was a few years back when there was apparently some "secret test" stuff with the XF going on..

    Brilliant these factory tours always learn so much, anyone in business can benefit from a trip round.
    I also found it was a great way to get accurate build info from the centre as the dealer didnt seem to know but give the factory tour centre a call and all was revealed... Thumbs Up

    One thing springs to mind about Halewood which made us chuckle was a PC Terminal on the factoryf loor that had a notice taped to the screen explaining in detail why it was out of action...somone had scrawled in marker underneath "basically in Ford terms, its F*cked" Laughing Laughing

    Santorini Black MY 18 HSE Dynamic BLACK TDV6
  • Dangerdave
    Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
    Location: UK
    Posts: 600
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    Off to Aberdeen tomorrow night. Staying over at a hotel. Eldest has his Uni interview.
  • LancsLad
    Member Since: 22 Aug 2018
    Location: Lancs
    Posts: 147
    United Kingdom 
    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Santorini Black

    belted galloways

    Did a little Greenlane up in the lakes.
    liked this shot.
    Not much activity on the off roading front? Is it that D5's arent getting out n about yet? Rolling Eyes

    Santorini Black MY 18 HSE Dynamic BLACK TDV6
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