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- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
The MY23.5 Metropolitan finally arrived today, having been ordered in July 2021.
The battery was almost flat, the rear number plate didn't really fit and wasn't straight, and the front number plate was mounted too high! In fairness to the dealer, the car had skipped the usual prep, as it's now in with a detailer having PPF fitted, along with sensible number plates.
If anyone is debating whether extended leather is a worthwhile option, it certainly lifts the cabin, pushing it toward RR luxury.
I'll post in the My Discovery 5 section.
I received two keys, so that's a bonus.
- eelpout
- Member Since: 01 Jun 2017
- Location: Don't call it "Cali"
- Posts: 304
Road Runner 2017 wrote:
FFRR is a 12 month wait, i was told the other day, maybe longer.
how does that even work when the rumors of different drivetrains for future vehicles exist?
I think my D5 lease is up next December. Guess I'll have to start talking to the dealer now. 
- Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
- Location: Devon
- Posts: 63
My build has moved back to the 16th December now so cant see it arriving before February realistically 😢
- Member Since: 14 Aug 2022
- Location: Highlands, Scotland
- Posts: 11
My build seems to have moved forward by roughly 2 weeks with a planned build date of mid January notwithstanding it could easily move back again. Still no spare wheel and no surround sound upgrade. Nor sure whether it will be an analogue or digital display, suspect the former.
- Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
- Location: Devon
- Posts: 63
Mine has spare wheel, interactive dash , the only thing they have said wont be on it is the surround sound but as its a commercial i think th tool boxes wont mind not having tunes

- Bogblaster
- Member Since: 12 Dec 2017
- Location: Gloucestershire
- Posts: 32

I ordered a Metropolitan with lots of boxes ticked in January 2022, today I got an email from the dealers with a few photos. Looks good, I then got the call from the salesman sounding a touch concerned and telling me it was missing a couple of things off the order. I responded jovially “no spare wheel and spare key then?” He replied they were there, but the following weren’t:
Extended Leather / Oyster Massage Front Seats
Deployable Tow Bar
Activity Key ( not available to Order )
Wi-Fi Data Plan
Remote Cabin Pre Conditioning ( is available on your App )
Locking Rear Diff
They’ve admitted it’s their cock up, but the bottom line “that’s not my car” I’m

The biggest problem is I need to take it or wait another year.
Thoughts on what I should be looking for as an apology?
MY19 HSE Lux
- Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
- Location: Devon
- Posts: 63
Ive got remote pre cabin heating ordered on mine and will not be happy if it’s not there.
The app is nothing like it, My RRS had the app and when ever you needed it it would say unavailable.
- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
Bogblaster wrote:
I ordered a Metropolitan with lots of boxes ticked in January 2022, today I got an email from the dealers with a few photos. Looks good, I then got the call from the salesman sounding a touch concerned and telling me it was missing a couple of things off the order. I responded jovially “no spare wheel and spare key then?” He replied they were there, but the following weren’t:
Extended Leather / Oyster Massage Front Seats
Deployable Tow Bar
Activity Key ( not available to Order )
Wi-Fi Data Plan
Remote Cabin Pre Conditioning ( is available on your App )
Locking Rear Diff
They’ve admitted it’s their cock up, but the bottom line “that’s not my car” I’m
The biggest problem is I need to take it or wait another year.
Thoughts on what I should be looking for as an apology?
How has that happened? Assuming you've agreed to the correct spec on the order form, did they simply submit an incorrect order?
Did you by any chance have a good deal on the car? I know it's rather conspiratorial, but did they want you to reject the car, so it can be sold off for list price to someone who is not prepared to wait?
It's almost as if they have removed bits that many purchasers wouldn't choose in the first place.
The deployable tow-bar can at least be retrofitted. If, however, you genuinely require the diff and the pre-conditioning, that's a different story. Will the vehicle do the job you require of it?
Wi-fi and Activity Key can be enabled/installed by a third party if the dealer is unprepared.
Extended leather & massage seats are personal preferences and certainly not essentials. However, for the cost of the Metropolitan, I wanted mine to feel more premium and less utilitarian. Massage I could live without, whereas losing the extended leather would be a dealbreaker for me.
- Bogblaster
- Member Since: 12 Dec 2017
- Location: Gloucestershire
- Posts: 32

I think it was a genuine mistake, missed on the swap from MY23 to MY23.5. They’ve looked after me and I have ordered a replacement with assurances that they will be decent with the trade in value when the new one arrives in 8. Oaths. Having never been stuck in a D5 with active diff, watch this space! Will get LR-Retrofits to activate hotspot and activity key and I’ll rough it with non massaging seats!
Towbar being fitted tomorrow.
MY19 HSE Lux
- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
Delighted to hear the good outcome.
For my Metropolitan, I skipped the diff from the options list, following a couple of sessions at the local Land Rover Experience centre, this time, last year. Their Discoveries and Defenders, had the extra diff, but their Range Rovers did not. All cars were fully capable of tackling what the centre had to offer, which was far in excess of my capabilities.
The advice from the centre’s staff, was to save the money, unless I were to become a farmer, or intended to tackle some serious off-roading.
Amazingly, I got the same advice from a salesman who used his Discovery for accessing hard to reach trails for mountain biking. He claimed to be doing some pretty serious stuff, and said the standard vehicle was so capable he had no requirement for the additional diff.
It’ll be interesting to hear how you get on in a ‘standard’ Discovery.
- DieselRanger
- Member Since: 12 Oct 2017
- Location: God's Country, Colorado
- Posts: 772

I've had a Discovery 5 without an active rear diff since 2017 and even here in Colorado, off-roading throughout the Rocky Mountains and beyond, I've never suffered for traction. This thing climbs as well as or better than a fully locked (F, C, R) Jeep Wrangler as long as it's equipped with proper tires for the task.
A rear locker will help if you intend to tow over slippery surfaces like wet grass -- having the rear axle locked can help with getting started under load in that situation.
- Bogblaster
- Member Since: 12 Dec 2017
- Location: Gloucestershire
- Posts: 32

Thanks guys, I take some heavy kit across fields, so fingers crossed. That said I am having an old Unimog refurbished for my off road work and the kit I normally tow will be mounted on it.
I’m not excited at all about the Mog!
MY19 HSE Lux
- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
Turns out, my MY23.5 is missing the gesture tailgate. Having been told the build was complete, with nothing missing, I was waving my foot like a loon, in order to load a box of wine.
A call back to the dealer revealed that 'complete' wasn't quite accurate. The surprises of LR ownership!
- Bogblaster
- Member Since: 12 Dec 2017
- Location: Gloucestershire
- Posts: 32

I was told it was discontinued, in fairness my dogs had way more success than me at opening it!
MY19 HSE Lux
- gavsta
- Member Since: 25 Jan 2022
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 147
Unfurling the bumper protector on our previous car did the same. Always a shock to us and the dog!
Gesture tailgate is listed on the build specs for the Metropolitan's. Apparently, I will be contacted when parts are available, although it's always a worry when dealers are saying different things.
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