Well decided too wash the car today. Used snow foam just too rinse off the dirt. Then powerwashed the foam off. Never used a lambs mitt either like I usually do, as car was only lightly soiled, plus sponges are a definite no no due too causing swirl marks.
Unfortunately, I have noticed that there is a ding in the roof which I never saw when I initially picked it up. I did take a quick look too see if the roof area wasn't scratched upon pick up, which it wasn't. So annoyed now. This would have been picked up at the factory if it was spotted so it looks like was done after the PDI was carried out.
Very coincidental that it's just where the roof rails are sitting. Seems like the person who was fitting the rails has dropped the point of the screwdriver onto the edge of the roof or it slipped and resulted in a dent
Secondly there is a deep mark on the front bumper about 1 inch long, as if a screwdriver has slipped, but nothing was fitted too the front of the car?? It's marked just where the vertical dummy intakes are, in the recess itself. It's quite high up but almost hidden under the lip so you have too be bending down too notice it. Obviously I missed that also as I was not crawling round on all fours when I was inspecting it.
Thirdly the front drivers mudflap was not properly fitted. Had too reclip all 3/4 of the clips into place before they snapped shut. Was a 4 mm gap, plus I payed for them too be fitted. Mind you they forget too put the rear flaps on, and it was only when I rang too tell them they were missing after seeing the video presentation, that they found them dropped behind a cupboard. Surely someone must have questioned why only 2 flaps were put on as I ordered 4 and dropped them off personally
Fourthly there us alot of light scratches all around the car. When picked up initially was swirl marks just where the door side protectors were fitted, plus another on the same side on the passenger wing. Had to wait 30 mins until took car back into workshop too rectify the problem. Seems the snow foam has taken off the polish as now the inital mark on the front wing is visible again. Hence all around the car is marked. Looks like the person who polished it has accidently rubbed their dirty boiler suit over the body work and if they have been working on the floor, any grit etc will have transferred onto the bodywork if that's what's happened. Possibly people just walking too close too it brushing against it as most of the scratches are horizontal.
Fifthly, I decided too put the car up on the ramp and inspect the tow bar and side step fittings. The rear black panel where the tow eye cover is fitted is missing 2 grommets, one on each side. It's also alternative grommets, as one side has outer missing and another the inner one missing. Definatelty should be 4 grommets.
Lastly, I was about too take the quad bike out on the smaller trailer. I requested that I need a trailer plate in the mean time until the private reg plates go on. Was just about too attach it and my eldest noticed that they botched up the number plate as wrong registration was on it. Lucky it was noticed as I was oblivious too the fact. Could have been 3 points and £100 quid fine potentially I think.
Not a happy chappy I can assure you