Discovery 2017

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  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    Loz wrote:
    I'm sure I changed my navigation back to pivi-nav, I seem to remember an option to change appeared somewhere, as now it is always in standard mode as long as I login to my profile. (must tick to remember passcode)
    It remembers for a short time. but if the cars sits for a while and fully shuts down, it seems to assume now that if you are using CarPlay, Apple Maps it is...

    I use wireless CarPlay all the time, mainly because unlike a bluetooth connection, if you use wireless CarPlay and have lossless audio files on your phone, you get wireless lossless audio.

    Perhaps I should delete my profile/account and see if that helps.
  • Loz
    Member Since: 29 Mar 2023
    Location: Berkeley
    Posts: 52
    United Kingdom 

    Yes, I also use wireless carplay, and after updating my profile, it remembers as long as I'm logged into my profile.
    Just before the upgrade I had to go through setting up a new profile and on the home screen in the navigation third just under navigation banner were 2 symbols one for carplay and the other for the inbuilt one and I was able to select the inbuilt one and it has remembered it ever since.
    One thing that I hadn't done initially was tick the box to remember the pin so that it always logs in.
    If I'm not logged in (even though my name comes up when it switches on) it will use the last carplay nav app like apple maps or tomtom etc.

    2023 Dynamic-R Metropolitan Edition D300MHEV
  • RAW
    Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 63

    Mine has just downloaded 4.0.1
  • eelpout
    Member Since: 01 Jun 2017
    Location: Don't call it "Cali"
    Posts: 304
    United States 

    Mine has just downloaded 4.0.1

    heh and here my '22 is still on 3.3.2. Wink
  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    4.0.1 sneaked on mine too, according to the notes it’s just updated security certificates, no fixes.
  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    OK, so I've done a rest on Pivi, recreated my 'account' and re-paired the phone, all to no avail, it still defaults to Apple Maps. Thought I might be able to remove the Apple Maps app from the CarPlay customisation screen in settings on the phone, but no, you can't remove Apple Maps...

    Have also noticed that if messages come through you get dumped into CarPlay and whatever app you used last from the Pivi screens.

    I think LR need to realise that not everyone wants to be in CarPlay at every opportunity, especially as there is so much car specific information outside CarPlay in a Disco. If I want to be in CarPlay, I'll select it, if I'm not in there it's because I don't want to be... Mad
  • discus
    Member Since: 22 Aug 2019
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    I suspect at some point in future it will be an entirely carplay experience, the way things are going. Everything will be integrated into carplay. With very similar electric drivetrains, and everyone on carplay, not sure how manufacturers will continue to differentiate their offering!
  • JonM
    Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
    Location: North Yorkshire
    Posts: 603
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    2022 Discovery SDV6 HSE Carpathian Grey

    Ian_S wrote:
    OK, so I've done a rest on Pivi, recreated my 'account' and re-paired the phone, all to no avail, it still defaults to Apple Maps. Thought I might be able to remove the Apple Maps app from the CarPlay customisation screen in settings on the phone, but no, you can't remove Apple Maps...

    Have also noticed that if messages come through you get dumped into CarPlay and whatever app you used last from the Pivi screens.

    I think LR need to realise that not everyone wants to be in CarPlay at every opportunity, especially as there is so much car specific information outside CarPlay in a Disco. If I want to be in CarPlay, I'll select it, if I'm not in there it's because I don't want to be... Mad

    To go back to using the PiviPro maps, tap the "all apps" button (little squares) and from there select the navigation app. It should open the PiviPro navigation (don't use the shortcut on the side of the screen). Now plan a route in the PiviPro navigation. You don't need to actually drive the route, just set the navigation going and then you can cancel the route. Now, the shortcut on the side of the screen will default back to the PiviPro navigation until you use the Apple navigation again - it defaults to whichever one you last used for a route.

    MY2022 D5 HSE D300 - with extra nice bits added
    MY2019 D5 HSE 3.0 SDV6 - sold to a dealer for a crazy price!
  • Loz
    Member Since: 29 Mar 2023
    Location: Berkeley
    Posts: 52
    United Kingdom 

    At the bottom of the navigation Home Screen third, there is a small nav symbol with v symbol next to it, pressing this allows you to switch between the nav systems as the default when selecting the navigation.

    Last edited by Loz on 9th Aug 2023 5:54 pm. Edited 1 time in total

    2023 Dynamic-R Metropolitan Edition D300MHEV
  • eelpout
    Member Since: 01 Jun 2017
    Location: Don't call it "Cali"
    Posts: 304
    United States 

    finally got the 3.3.3 update downloaded. started the install procedure last night, but this morning the D5 says the update didn't complete because of battery charge level. Sad

    guess I'll have to drive it around for 45 minutes or so. Bother.
  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    Thanks Loz and JonM, tried both methods and no joy... both worked previously with 3.3.3

    I have maps in the IDD, and if CarPlay is active, Apple Maps it must be... getting really annoying now. I thought I'd try Apple Maps as the car is so insistent that I do... As I have an Apple Watch too, I was bombarded with alerts on my wrist, complete overload. If I use Google maps then I get Apple Maps in the IDD and google on the main screen, so double the data.

    I'm sure this is new 4.0.x behaviour and it's not been thought through.
  • RAW
    Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 63

    I found using Waze worked better than apple maps.
    If you use Siri to make a phone call on ending the call you mine defaults to Apple Music instead of reverting back to DAB as well.
    I work around that at the moment by going in settings ,all, apps then setting the diamond short cut to media source change on long press and making sure DAB is the only ticked one in the list.
    Another issue ive had since the upgrade is my stereo suddenly only plays sound from passenger door speakers but if you go settings audio the balance shows it does side only, switch off get out lock car wait 5 minutes unlock car restart and all is okay 🤷🏻
    It’s not ideal but hopefully another upgrade will be along soon as at present the apple settings overrides the landrover ones .
    I’m on 4.0.1 at present.would go back to 3.3.2 if i could
  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    Would happily go back to 3.3.3 if I could. Seemed much more sorted.
  • JonM
    Member Since: 30 Jun 2016
    Location: North Yorkshire
    Posts: 603
    United Kingdom 
    2022 Discovery SDV6 HSE Carpathian Grey

    Ian_S wrote:
    Thanks Loz and JonM, tried both methods and no joy... both worked previously with 3.3.3

    I have maps in the IDD, and if CarPlay is active, Apple Maps it must be... getting really annoying now. I thought I'd try Apple Maps as the car is so insistent that I do... As I have an Apple Watch too, I was bombarded with alerts on my wrist, complete overload. If I use Google maps then I get Apple Maps in the IDD and google on the main screen, so double the data.

    I'm sure this is new 4.0.x behaviour and it's not been thought through.

    I've just tested it with Android Auto (I don't use that weird Apple stuff Laughing ) and both the method I described and the one Loz described work. There's also a new button in the phone's bluetooth settings to "Disconnect Android Auto" which also forces it back to the PiviPro Maps and give the option to not automatically reconnect.

    MY2022 D5 HSE D300 - with extra nice bits added
    MY2019 D5 HSE 3.0 SDV6 - sold to a dealer for a crazy price!
  • Ian_S
    Member Since: 18 May 2021
    Location: South
    Posts: 89
    United Kingdom 

    That's how it used to work on 3.3.3... for Apple. I use CarPlay for the music because as it's WiFi connected, and I have about 60GB of lossless audio on my phone, you get lossless audio, and the correct artwork. (I know... Wink ) Here's hoping there's an update soon that corrects some of the issues on the Apple front.
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