- Dodlestonian
- Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
- Location: Cheshire
- Posts: 134
I started to get to know the new car.
So far everything I've tried is working, other than maybe the rear seat entertainment.
No response to remote - I know its sending signals because its lighting up when I press a monitor button.
I'll give it another go tomorrow.
They put on Android Auto and ACP just before I left the factory, I'm wondering if maybe they didn't update the rear seat entertainment - according to posts I read here that's important?
I have to say, we hear a lot of negative stuff about these cars and JLR but looking at the design and the amount of kit on this car its a masterpiece of engineering.
I really like the HUD and the lane keep assist.
both are significantly better than I was expecting.
2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
- harrythespider
- Member Since: 19 Jul 2018
- Location: cumbria
- Posts: 420

Replaced rear door arched trim that 'fell off' somewhere. not cheap!!!
3.0 HSE. climate HUD active diff. elec towbar. FBH and timed climate.Capability plus pack.split TV. surround sound. Intelligent seating. adaptive lights, wade sensing. 360 cameras.pro pack.cooler.advanced tow, auto park,activity key+ more!!!!
- ravrav
- Member Since: 18 Apr 2017
- Location: Hertfordshire
- Posts: 32

Remote might not be paired. To pair the remote, hold home and power buttons down for a few seconds. Left and right selection buttons will start flashing. Then select 'pair remote' in the rear media settings.
- Dodlestonian
- Member Since: 13 Aug 2018
- Location: Cheshire
- Posts: 134
ravrav wrote:
Remote might not be paired. To pair the remote, hold home and power buttons down for a few seconds. Left and right selection buttons will start flashing. Then select 'pair remote' in the rear media settings.
Spot on RavRav, thanks to you rear entertainment is fully up and running, much appreciated I hadn't thought of that.
So it looks like everything's working as it should - haven't tried the advanced tow assist yet, but I think I've tried everything else now.
I'm made up with this car

2019 D5 Lux. HUD, adaptive dynamics, dynamic pack 2, cooler box, privacy glass, advanced tow assist, black roof rails, massage seats, tech plus pack, detachable towbar, driver assist pack, capability plus pack.
- LancsLad
- Member Since: 22 Aug 2018
- Location: Lancs
- Posts: 147

- mordred1973
- Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
- Location: Northamptonshire
- Posts: 758

I checked the app to where where the dealer had taken it today (this time nowhere) however noticed they had left it unlocked at 8pm on a friday so the thing I did with it, was lock it via the app.
2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

My problem with this whole JLR, Reliability, customer care scenario is that the J in LR seems to have set the president for what we are all seeing now, reliability seems to have gotten better on the whole but there are flaws and niggles that go beyond what can be deemed as acceptable on a new vehicle, For a manufacturer to produce a product that is not ready for market with a view to update it as and when they can be bothered if at all is way beyond what i feel is acceptable in to days market. Customer services should be geared up for that but instead they have just attached a pair of ear muffs, blinkers and tied their hands behind their backs......
It is almost as though JLR are in a race to the bottom, sell it, blame them for it meanwhile we will prosper flourish.....
JLR's Face Book pages are awash with angry customers slating reliabilty and technical issues, vehicle been in dealers for weeks and even months whilst some one is sat there at JLR taking incomming replies with the same old response verbatim which is making customers even more aggressive....
On the whole the same thing is being echoed over and over again..... Customer Services are Rubbish, they won't listen, they are ignoring us....
owners statiing this is their 4th, 5th or 6th vehicle and will never buy another.....
I'm hearing it a lot and it is always the same !
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- mordred1973
- Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
- Location: Northamptonshire
- Posts: 758

This is my first JLR product, to be fair nothing has really gone wrong with it (other than paint fallong off the bumpers and wheels) but the dealer has been terrible including outright lies, 3.5 months into ownership i wont buy another JLR product.
Whereas the Volvo i had before, went to dealer 5x in 5.4 years and 100,000 miles. Would i buy another? Yes, and had it not been for some silly wanting more than 4cylinder i would have this time
2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.
- JackNorris
- Member Since: 07 Jun 2016
- Location: Beds/Bucks
- Posts: 113
What dealer is that? Northampton Guy Salmon by any chance?
- mordred1973
- Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
- Location: Northamptonshire
- Posts: 758

No, oddly been told Guy Salmon are considerably better than Marshall Bedford!
2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

Unfortunately for us mere mortals who buy this rubbish, taking their Lies comes with the territory, i'm not sure how this has happened or even why we take it, the problem is once the money is handed over theyve got you over a barrel, there is certainly no respect what so ever for the customer, as i say i'm not quite sure at what point the customer ended up always being wrong, but some corporate Johnny come Lately has obviosly devised some marketing strategy that these imbeciles have adopted.
Fortunately not all sellers utilise this form of lurid distain toward their customer base.
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- Chalkys HSE
- Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
- Location: Yorkshire
- Posts: 339

mordred1973 wrote:
No, oddly been told Guy Salmon are considerably better than Marshall Bedford!
I'm using Marshalls Peterborough ! Never Again....
2017 MY D5 HSE 3.0 Td6 Corris Grey, Side steps, roof rails,
- mordred1973
- Member Since: 08 Jan 2019
- Location: Northamptonshire
- Posts: 758

No inagree, other brands are consoderably better especially the cheaper end of the market! Kia, hyndai, skoda all offer higher levels of reliability and service
2023 D300 Metropolitan, Hakuba Silver, Low Range, Solar screen, Deployable towbar, FBH, sidesteps.