Well surprise surprise my mystery problems returned again this evening, after LR had the car for 4 days saying no fault was found. Tested everything they said.
I drove car back this evening from work 2 miles away
at 30mph.
Cars only covered 250 miles since new.
Smelt the strong burning plastic/wiring smell again, from the passenger side, next too the windscreen, when I parked up this evening but no visible smoke.
Just ignored it as assured car was fine, even though at the back of my mind something was not right.
Mrs took it out too get some shopping an hour later.
Supermarkets only 2 miles away. She drove at 30 mph.
Well she rang me when on the way back saying a very strong smell like burning rubber/plastic, and smell was coming into the car. Drove back with windows open as she felt physically sick.
Just as she pulled into the driveway and parked up, the smoke started too emit from the bonnet at the exact same spot where I had seen it coming from. Not as much as when I first experienced it but still quite a bit all the same.
Well we both can't be imaging the same issues as LR are saying no fault can be found.
She said NO SMOKE was visible whilst driving either. I experienced the exact same last Tuesday, and only noticed the smoke when the car was stopped, albeit the acrid fumes had already entered the inside of the car by then stinging my eyes. Seems the wind is dissipating the smoke whilst on the move, and only noticeable when cars stationary.
Even more alarming is the fact that there could be a full on fire when driving and you only notice the smoke when stopped.
Anyhow whats worrying me is that maybe the issue could possibly be speed related. As we were both driving in the town at 30 mph, there were smoke fumes but not as much as when I had the car on the duel carriageway. Is it possible that the higher engine temperature is triggering the fault as far less wind is entering the the grill during town driving rather than driving on the dual carriageway which leads too alot more wind, hence cooling the engine more efficiently.?????
My car has quite a large bonnet scoop to let as much air in as possible and not once have I experienced any overheating problems.
No follow up from my dealer who phoned me on Monday evening. Waited 2 days and still no updates.
Well next time it decides too smoke and smell of plastic, I think i will just put a brick on the accelerator and leave it too self combust and hopefully LR will take note and see for themselves that it's not a figment of my imagination. Do they want someone too get seriously injured or even killed before they admit that there is an issue with the car.
Not happy too say the least. Phoning customer services tomorrow asking for a full refund and tell them too remove the Fire Hazard from my driveway, as its a ticking timebomb in my opinion.🔥
Not even chancing parking it in the garage incase it self ignites and burns the house down.
Went outside at 11:00pm too check car was ok and not smouldering. Temperature outside was 5 degrees and quite cold. However the heat emitting from the cars grill was so warm, even though car was stationery for 4 hours, plus a droning/wining sound coming constantly from the engine is another issue tonight. Possibly it's a knock on effect from last Tuesdays fiasco

Last edited by Road Runner 2017 on 27th Apr 2017 1:22 pm. Edited 4 times in total