Discovery 2017

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  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
    Location: Hampshire
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    I used the Autoglass website to book mine, it has a full list of insurance companies that use Autoglass. You just choose your insurance company and add your policy number if I remember rightly.

    I did however give my insurance company a call, just really to make sure they didn't need any information. Might be best to call them, you know what insurance companies are like!

    MY18 Corris Grey HSE Lux TDV6
  • Craigp
    Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
    Location: Hull
    Posts: 690

    Have a look at your insurance policy it will say which company they have an agreement with and how to contact that service. It really is quite painless. Very Happy
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Thanks guys.
    Well i hope its a painless process, as long as the Mrs insurance premium does not go up Laughing

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Trevorb1
    Member Since: 08 Jan 2018
    Location: Nuneaton
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    2018 Discovery Td6 SE Corris Grey

    Road Runner, I had a screen repaired in my D4 and to be honest it looked worse after the repair so had them fit a new screen, that was 2 days before xmas, got new D5 end of Jan 18 and 2 weeks later got a chip in screen on same piece of road in roughly same place on screen. Didnt bother with repair went straight for new screen.
    Used Autoglass, insisted on oem screen so they had to get authority from insurance company. If usìng them insist on oem screen and make sure its got the right features.
    You should have upto 4 symbols bottom lhs of screen next to land rover logo.
    Every UK spec should have acoustically laminated screen (ear symbol) plus heated, then depending on spec you could have hud and /or solar attenuating.
    Autoglass can calibrate the cameras when they fit but again make sure you tell them when booking as they only have a few technicians with the kit to calibrate, so you might have a long wait to get appt, I waited over 2 weeks for first one but when turned up it started to snow so delayed fitting and had to wait another 3 weeks due to backlog. Technician took car for a quick drive to check and calibrate cameras, so far seem ok, lane departure warning works, havent needed to try autonomous emergency braking yet. Very Happy

    24MY D300 Dynamic SE, Fuji White, Deployable Towbar, full size spare.
    Gone 20MY SDV6 Landmark, Indus Silver, Deployable Towbar, 360 Cameras
  • simonh
    Member Since: 02 Apr 2017
    Location: Shropshire
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    2017 Discovery Sd4 (240) HSE Farallon Black

    Good advice Trevorb1, thanks 👍🏻

    Velar HSE D240 - MY19
    Served by the excellent Shukers Land Rover of Ludlow - 10 Land Rover’s and 20 years of amazing customer service.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Thanks for the info Trevorb1 Thumbs Up
    It's a catch 22 if am honest. I may just go with the free repair, and if the Mrs is not happy will get a new screen. The AEB is not working, so I think it's point less forking out penny's for Autoglass too recalibrate it. As LR are dealing with the AEB fault, I think they would have too recalibrate it if something has already gone wrong with it. Yes we have the solar attenuating screen, heated and the acoustic symbols, but we never ordered the Hud.
    Really annoyed as paid the detailer too coat the screen with a hydrophobic rain repellant as well Crying or Very sad

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Washed car after a 300 mile round trip too Glasgow over the weekend. First time cars been used too it's full 7 seat capacity along with the trailer. Everything went perfectly, and no complaints from the 2 passengers in the boot. Could not even tell we were towing. Mileage has now hit 2k and engine seems too have bedded in nicely and seems quieter. (Not sure if am imagining the quietness) Laughing
    Acceleration seems a trifle quicker. Mpg still seems around the same as before, but hopefully will get better in due course.

    Arrived home late at 1 am on Monday morning with the bug splattered windscreen and the front bumper caked in insects. (Should have taken a few before photo's). The full beam is so good that there is no need for auxiliary lighting. Really impressed as not had a chance too drive it during the night. Auto beam assist takes a bit of getting used too initially.

    Just snowfoam and a powerwash, and dried with a microfibre towel. Was told too wait at least 1 week before applying a car shampoo as the coating still needs too breathe and cure properly. Well impressed with the result as the bugs and moths just dropped off, after jetwashing instead of the usual scraping with the netted bug sponge and elbow grease and greasy smears left from the bugs internals.

    A few photos after a 50 mile trip today. Was dull this evening so the photos don't show up the end result. Wheels look clean but a gentle wipe with a damp cloth picked up a shallow coating of brake dust which came off easily as wheels also were treated for easy cleaning.

    Will take photos once the car is washed properly with a lambs wool mitt and a layer of wax or polish is applied.

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Craigp
    Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
    Location: Hull
    Posts: 690

    Looks great RR. However I can just imagine all the curtains twitching and all your neighbours saying "look he's at it again, taking pictures of his car"

    Rolling with laughter
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Thanks Craig - washing is so much easier and no risk of the dreaded swirl marks now.
    Its not the neighbours, but the Mrs was asking why i was taking pics last night Laughing

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Craigp
    Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
    Location: Hull
    Posts: 690

    Thumbs Up
  • achichon
    Member Since: 30 Nov 2017
    Location: Gibraltar
    Posts: 213
    2018 Discovery Sd4 (240) HSE Loire Blue

    Road Runner 2017 wrote:

    are those of any use or they stick on? :/

    18MY All-new Discovery HSE SD4 Loire Blue & Black Pack
  • simonh
    Member Since: 02 Apr 2017
    Location: Shropshire
    Posts: 1002
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    2017 Discovery Sd4 (240) HSE Farallon Black

    Stick on only. Only RRS S|V|R has actual bonnet venting I believe.

    Velar HSE D240 - MY19
    Served by the excellent Shukers Land Rover of Ludlow - 10 Land Rover’s and 20 years of amazing customer service.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    They are just stuck on with the 3m tape already stuck onto them from the manufacturer.
    No holes in the bonnet as your well aware, so they are pretty much for decoration purposes only. Am sure on the FFRR/Sport SVR that there are holes in the bonnet too aid ventilation and cooling for the engine, hence those vents serve a purpose.

    As its the Supercharged engine i thought i would add them on and also added black LR badges all round, just too make it stand out from the crowd a bit.(Just like RR SC have black Badges) Laughing

    Mind you if your feeling confidant there is nothing stopping you drilling a few holes in the bonnet yourself. Whistle Rolling with laughter Thumbs Up

    Last edited by Road Runner 2017 on 27th Jun 2018 4:03 pm. Edited 1 time in total

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    simonh wrote:
    Stick on only. Only RRS S|V|R has actual bonnet venting I believe.

    You bet me too it Simon - been over 1 hour typing this email as watching the football simultaneously trying too multitask Very Happy

    I forgot too mention that i used the paper template from the FL2 bonnet vents too line these up properly and they are quite large sizewise. Also the RR Evoque has functioning bonnet vents Thumbs Up

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Blackfly
    Member Since: 15 Jun 2017
    Location: Up North
    Posts: 466
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Indus Silver

    Took mine to see an ice berg

    F50, Fourtack, LR3 and now..............D5 HSE TDV6
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