Discovery 2017

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  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    TazDaz, it depends on what type of windscreen you have.

    I have a heated screen on my car and no issues ever with mobile phone signal strength, or stand alone Gps utilising gadgets, like a speed camera detector, sat nav system, or dash camera.

    No issues in the D4 either which had a heated screen.

    However, we went for the heated, solar attenuating / heat reflective one on the D5, and it's causing issues.

    Phone signal is fine, but the Gps gadget which sits on the dash is constantly loosing signal, freezing, slow to respond, no satellites found, inacurate readings etc.

    Downloaded new version of the software, which the manufacturer said would fix the issue. It has fixed it to a certain extent, but not fully. So I was advised by the manufacturer that this booster is the one they recommend, from another manufacturer.

    I did think maybe the unit is faulty, but I tried it in my car and worked perfectly. Full signal, locked onto satellites and no freezing. Readings were bang on compared to the same unit I have on my car. (Was running a dual test so too speak). Took my unit out and put into the Mrs car and exact same thing happened, ruling out a faulty unit, and confirming that it was the windscreen which was causing all the issues.

    I also had the unit in the D5 loan car which only had a heated screen and it worked perfectly on that too.

    So basically you wont need it if your screen is only heated, only if its the solar attenuating one, plus I doubt your using a seperate stand alone sat nav unit either.

    I hope this answers your question Thumbs Up

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Decided to pick all the fruit off the trees in the garden today. Pears, apples, peaches, plums, and nectarines, ahead of the bad weather we are supposedly going to get, i.e. Hurricane Dorian.

    Amount of fruit thats already fallen off the trees, is such a waste. I have never seen so many docile wasps getting drunk on fermenting pears Shocked

    Anyhow with a boot and trailer load of boxes and carrier bags ended up donating them to the neighbours, friends, family and the school fair.

    On way back, nipped into the shop for sugar, but ended up with 250kg of coal instead.

    As weathers drawing in, always good to keep the stock levels up, especially if it's at a bargain price Laughing

    I love apple as well as pear crumble, but to make things worse I totally forgot about the sugar, Mrs just shook her head in disbelief. Rolling with laughter

    I think the amount of pears I ate today seemed to cloud my judgement was my excuse.

    A very surreal day indeed Wink

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Dangerdave
    Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
    Location: UK
    Posts: 600
    United Kingdom 

    Took the eldest to Uni yesterday. The amount of gear I managed to squash in the boot was unreal as the little tailgate seat helped keep it all in.

    Quite amusing seeing the other parents struggle in their smaller SUVs and the Uni car park attendants were pointing out the car and giving it the thumbs up. Laughing
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Shame on you DD chuckling at the smaller car owners.

    Mind you I have seen it alot. Parents shoe horning so much stuff into the cars boot that the rear window is blocked and illegal. Mostly small cars like a Yaris or Mini. I do scratch my head though, passing these tips onto their kids. Parenting at its best. Not!!
    Hire a van ffs!

    Saw a Ford Fiesta with what looked like a single bed and armchair strapped to the roof last week Shocked

    Student mentality at its best Laughing

    I gather it wasn't you parked at Asda car park at beach in Aberdeen yesterday as a black one with black wheels was parked a few bays away from where i parked. Private reg 5 digit.

    Oh yes just picked up 12 bags of sugar. Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Flat Earther
    Member Since: 15 Dec 2016
    Location: England
    Posts: 73
    United Kingdom 

    I don’t believe that there’s any egalitarian requirement to see out of the rear window...
  • Dangerdave
    Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
    Location: UK
    Posts: 600
    United Kingdom 

    Yes on the black, yes on the private reg, but no, I went straight down the A9 to Perth and then Dundee. I was at the Tesco on the Waterfront. I think every other parent had the same idea, the place was mobbed and shopping trolleys full of new duvets, pillows and the like, they even found their way up to the Halls yesterday.

    Some people hired vans, not many, most were quite content stuffing up their cars. Bits hanging out of windows even. At least with mine the mess was confined to the back and as I have factory tints, you couldn’t see it.

    The car did get pointed out more than once, but then Dundee isn’t the most salubrious of areas. I was half expecting the workmen to touch their caps when I passed tbh. It was getting embarrassing. Rolling with laughter
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Flat Earther wrote:
    I don’t believe that there’s any egalitarian requirement to see out of the rear window...

    Flat Earther, I stand corrected Thumbs Up
    I am no expert, but I was always under the impression that it was illegal, and you would possibly get a fine if the the rear window was blocked. (I think it was my driving instructor who mentioned this). Plus when I was taught to drive, you were required to turn your head around and look out the rear window when making a certain manoeuvre.

    Anyway I think its a bit of a grey area/catch 22.
    You will fail an mot if there is something obscuring the sweep of the wiper blades like a dash mounted sat nav, which too me hardly covers a fraction of the screens area and still has more than adequate visibility.

    However still legal to drive with a fully blocked rear window, which I think is far more of a hazard in my opinion, especially when reversing or before overtaking.

    I was under the impression that vans with blocked rear windows were exempt to the rule, but cars were not. Obviously not the case then.

    Neighbour was given a ticking off as her back window was covered in snow and was also told it was illegal, even though front screen was clear as was the roof. She was hoping the rear demister would have cleared it.

    I have driven a van with no rear view mirror and the the solid metal panel behind the seats, and absolutely hated it, as so used to using my rear view mirror.

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • jimbg
    Member Since: 23 Jun 2016
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 1475
    United Kingdom 

    Met a narrow bridge!!

    It has a 2 metre width restriction and 3.5 tonne weight limit.

    Wife was not impressed with my choice of route!!
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Looks very tight Shocked

    Did you not use both cameras for both the front wheels, avoiding possible curbing or tyre wall damage in tight situations like this.

    Mrs uses it when parking close to a kerb, as she doesn't want to kerb rash her 22's.

    I too have started to use it more, as i dont want to endure her wrath Laughing

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • jimbg
    Member Since: 23 Jun 2016
    Location: Devon
    Posts: 1475
    United Kingdom 

    I will be going back that way and will be more prepared and will take photo from outside to see how close it gets!
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Thumbs Up

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Blackfly
    Member Since: 15 Jun 2017
    Location: Up North
    Posts: 466
    2017 Discovery Td6 HSE Indus Silver

    Dangerdave wrote:
    Took the eldest to Uni yesterday. The amount of gear I managed to squash in the boot was unreal as the little tailgate seat helped keep it all in.

    Quite amusing seeing the other parents struggle in their smaller SUVs and the Uni car park attendants were pointing out the car and giving it the thumbs up. Laughing

    Oh my when I went to poly. it was a ratty rucksack and a train ticket. Not sure the tree parachute parent had been coined back then Rolling with laughter

    F50, Fourtack, LR3 and now..............D5 HSE TDV6
  • LancsLad
    Member Since: 22 Aug 2018
    Location: Lancs
    Posts: 147
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    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Santorini Black

    12 months on..

    Still loving her.
    Not today exactly but here she is in the VW camper lineup Laughing at cable bay😎

    Santorini Black MY 18 HSE Dynamic BLACK TDV6
  • Dangerdave
    Member Since: 15 Feb 2017
    Location: UK
    Posts: 600
    United Kingdom 

    I am periodically driving around in a 6 year old Corsa 1.2 SXI that belongs to the boy whilst he’s off at Uni - they were wanting £750 parking fees if he took it down, anyway, it’s fine for odd jobs and I don’t worry about parking it in a stuffed car park, although I do feel my backside is on the tarmac. Laughing
  • IndusD4
    Member Since: 28 Jan 2018
    Location: Sydney
    Posts: 698

    Fixed the last tow bar related rattle, owing to towing rental trailers. Picked up my own yesterday.

    2 Tonne box trailer, galvanised chassis and aluminium tray. Took longer to get here than the car did.


    2016 D4 TDV6
    IIDTool BT
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