Discovery 2017

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  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Took those photos last night when opened the package too check if they were ok.

    Sorry I never got time too take photos tonight as Mrs needed the car sharpish, and she is still not back. It will be dark soon.

    Will take tomorrow if I have time Thumbs Up

    I got online for £39.99 Smile

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Dropped car off at the detailers this morning.

    Pick up next Saturday if all goes well.

    Normally a 4 day turnaround, but it will take an extra day too do, compared too a normal saloon, as it's so big apparently.

    Will post photos after it has been done and if your lucky a video as well.

    Just checked the LR remote app and noticed I forgot too lock the car. So I locked it, via the app.

    Excellent feature and peace of mind, considering the car is sitting 65 miles away.

    Not as if I can pop outside and do it. Laughing

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • simonh
    Member Since: 02 Apr 2017
    Location: Shropshire
    Posts: 1002
    United Kingdom 
    2017 Discovery Sd4 (240) HSE Farallon Black

    Drove 500 plus miles today. Enjoyed every minute.

    Velar HSE D240 - MY19
    Served by the excellent Shukers Land Rover of Ludlow - 10 Land Rover’s and 20 years of amazing customer service.
  • rich.s
    Member Since: 18 Mar 2018
    Location: West Country
    Posts: 1
    United Kingdom 

    Road Runner 2017 wrote:
    Took those photos last night when opened the package too check if they were ok.

    Sorry I never got time too take photos tonight as Mrs needed the car sharpish, and she is still not back. It will be dark soon.

    Will take tomorrow if I have time Thumbs Up

    I got online for £39.99 Smile

    Are you pleased with them?
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    So far so good. Only been on for a day or so but stuck solid. A quick wipe down with an alcoholic wipe and a 30 sec blast with the hairdryer too make the tape stickier. Will post photos when cars back next weekend.

    Lightweight aluminium, just like original LR ones, and hard too distinguish from the originals. Not bothered that they are "copies" as they are hidden. I would never have paid full price though.

    Saving £200 odd on something thats inevitably going to get scuffed and scratched is another bonus. (A few pairs of shoes for the Mrs no doubt).

    Mrs is well happy with them as like she says functionality before beauty Laughing

    Reason I bought them was that she accidently gouged a nice 2 inch chunk out of my inner sill with her heel. Luckily managed too touch up with a paint stick and buff it out.

    So too prevent history repeating itself, I have bought these. Her excuse was my cars seats sit too low, but I beg too differ.

    Moral of the story is wear sensible flat shoes for driving or invest in a decent set of sill protectors Thumbs Up

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • rsr
    Member Since: 09 Feb 2017
    Location: Manchester
    Posts: 120
    United Kingdom 
    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Indus Silver

    RR - Did they come from China? I'm in the market for some too,

    MY17 Carpathian Grey HSE TDV6, MY18 Indus Silver HSE Lux TDV6. MY20 Lux sd6 Eiger Grey
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Yes they came from China.

    Only took 6 or 7 days from the time of ordering them. Well impressed as usually takes up too 4 weeks from China.

    Come really well packaged so you will need a sharp blade too spilt the tape open Thumbs Up

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Picked up the freshly coated car this morning. Detailers did a sterling job. Could probably use the mirror finish too shave in, as it's so good Laughing

    Really smooth silky surface when touching it. Been raining quite abit today. and the water is just trickling/beading off nicely. Well pleased as minimum maintenance now come wash time. Weather has been cloudy all day so will post photos up tomorrow if it's sunny.

    Tomorrows plans are too finally hard wire both front and rear dash cams. Went for the Blackvue Dr900s (4k) one. Also hardwiring in the new Road Angel Pure speed camera detector. (The cables are driving the Mrs mad, as have been using the cigarette lighters temporarily).

    Finally taking off the red gear shift extensions. Feel as if they are superglued on, so looks like having a battle on my hands tomorrow.

    They are up for grabs too the highest bidder Rolling with laughter

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Labbix
    Member Since: 05 Mar 2018
    Location: Tanzania
    Posts: 955

    Would like to see how you hardwire them, especially the back one, as I’m thinking to buy the same (the Blackvue Dr900s) and how smooth or difficult it went, good luck!
  • Labbix
    Member Since: 05 Mar 2018
    Location: Tanzania
    Posts: 955

    And did you buy the battery pack as well?
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Yes will deffo put up photos Thumbs Up
    I ordered the power magic pro as well. No point doing half a job and fitting it later, wasting time removing the headlining and rewiring stuff again. Rather do it all at the same time, as less chance of breaking clips and grommets.
    Decided on the 4K as at least its not going too out of date soon like the HD ones, until the 8K comes along. (It's only the front that is 4K and the rear is 1080 HD).
    Just nipping too Halfords for extra fuses.
    Not sure how far am going too get today as the World Cup is on and all the extra pairs of helping hands are off too the pub later Laughing 🍻

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Well unfortunately ony my way back from Halfords ended up with a chipped windscreen today Big Cry

    Seems the van infront kicked up a stone and all I heard was a massive cracking sound like someone using a whip. Never noticed until about 2mins later. It's low down in the windscreen about the size of a 5p piece but it's in the sweep of the drivers wiper.

    Am of the opinion that possibly due too the infused heating element that the glass is not as strong as in the D4. Another possibility may be that the glass is an inferior brand as it's not Pilkington anymore. I have had stones hit my car as well with just as much force if not more and all that was left was a pencil tipped size chip out of the screen.

    Not sure if the heated screen has been affected or not. So annoying as was all set too install the cameras and detector today.

    If I recall correctly someone posted a while back that the 2 cameras for the AEB have too be recalibrated if a new windscreen is put in, along with a price??

    Cars going into garage again in 4 weeks time (16 July) too get the AEB sorted. Not sure if I can get away with the Autoglass smart repair. or better off getting a new windscreen altogether. Am not 100% sure how the free repair works as I have never had too use it before Rolling Eyes

    Has anyone had their screen repaired with the Autoglass resin repair and if so was it any good ?

    No point installing the camera today as would have meant ripping it off the windscreen again, if it's getting replaced.

    Apart from getting an earful from the Mrs who told me too walk initially, the only positive was that I ended up watching the football today Laughing

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
  • Craigp
    Member Since: 09 Nov 2016
    Location: Hull
    Posts: 690

    Hi RR I had mine repaired the other day due to a stone chip. I also thought it damaged rather easily it was the smallest of stones and didn't seem to hit very hard at all. Less than a ten pence price it could be argued that it was in the wiper sweep but you certainly wouldn't be looking that way. After the repair it doesn't look any different you can still see it but unlikely to spread. And it's free Laughing
  • rogersmj
    Member Since: 30 Aug 2017
    Location: Hampshire
    Posts: 213
    United Kingdom 
    2018 Discovery Td6 HSE Lux Corris Grey

    Yeah Road Runner, I had my windscreen replaced a while back and at the time Autoglass couldn't do the recalibration of the cameras, however I think since then someone put up a message saying they got Autoglass to do it now.

    I originally had to get the dealer to do it and it cost around £75, however after talking to Aviva I managed to get them to refund it.

    MY18 Corris Grey HSE Lux TDV6
  • Road Runner 2017
    Member Since: 14 Jan 2017
    Location: Scotland
    Posts: 2010
    2018 Discovery Si6 HSE Lux Santorini Black

    Cheers guys, is it just a case of ringing autoglass up and booking an appointment, or do i have too inform the insurance company as well ??

    Need too check if the heated screen is working tonight, though before i give them a call.

    Never had too replace or repair a cracked screen in my life, but sods law Censored happens when you least expect it.

    (Note too self- the Mrs is always right -I will walk the 10 mins too Halfords next time) Shocked

    MY17 First Edition - 3L Diesel Td6 - Farallon Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips.
    MY18 Hse Luxury - 3L Petrol Si6 Supercharged - Santorini Black - Roof rails,side steps,tints,tow bar,mudflaps,door strips,22's,dynamic pack 1,bonnet vents,t.v,dual view,frontcooler,360°camera,rear cooler/warmer,roof vane,black LR badges,wade sensing,door sill plates,boot liner, solar screen,wind deflectors,service plan,tracker,speed camera detector,dual dash cameras,ceramic coating.
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